【メディア論考】ニューヨーク大学ジャーナリズム学部のジェイ・ローゼン(Jay Rosen)助教授が、2010年9月パリ政治学院でジャーナリズムの学徒たちに向けて行った講義からの抜粋。(粗訳御免)

Jay Rosen: Public Notebook


The journalists formerly known as the media



The people formerly known as audience

The people formerly known as the audience wish to inform media people of our existence, and of a shift in power that goes with the platform shift you’ve all heard about. Think of passengers on your ship who got a boat of their own. The writing readers. The viewers who picked up a camera. The formerly atomized listeners who with modest effort can connect with each other and gain the means to speak— to the world, as it were.


Today I want to introduce a companion idea.


Because the people formerly known as the audience have arrived, the journalists formerly known as “the media” are here, too. And this is what you--the next generation of professional journalists--have a chance to define for the rest of us. The digital revolution changes the equation. It brings forward a new balance of power, putting the tools of production and the powers of distribution in the hands of the people formerly known as the audience.



And so you have the opportunity to become the journalists formerly known as the media, carrier class for a new understanding of the people “out there” on the receiving end of what journalists make. I say “new,” but it is really just another chapter in the long struggle to make good on the idea of a public that knows what is happening because it pays attention, informs itself and argues about what should be done.



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