【メディア論考】ニューヨーク大学ジャーナリズム学部のジェイ・ローゼン(Jay Rosen)助教授が、2010年9月パリ政治学院でジャーナリズムの学徒たちに向けて行った講義からの抜粋。(粗野御免)続き1

Jay Rosen: Public Notebook


Let me try to sharpen what I mean by “the journalists formerly known as the media” by calling on one of my favorite lines in all of media studies. They originate with Raymond Williams (1921-1988) a writer and sociologist in the U.K. who was well known for his studies of mass media.

「かつてメディアと呼ばれたジャーナリスト」という概念について、私がジャーナリズム学研究本の中で一番好きな言葉を使ってもう少し掘り下げてみるとしよう。マスメディア研究で有名な英国の作家であり社会学者であるレイモンド・ウィリアムズ(Raymond Williams)のものだ。

“There are no masses, “ Williams wrote in 1958, “there are only ways of seeing people as masses.”



To illustrate, Williams compared the way local newspapers addressed their readers--as inhabitants of a common world of homes, schools, jobs, streets they walked, politics they could participate in--to the way those same readers were addressed by the mass circulation dailies and tabloids that sell throughout the U.K.


Seeing people as masses is the art in which the mass media, and professional media people, specialized during their profitable 150-year run (1850 to 2000).


But now we can see that this was actually an interval, a phase, during which the tools for reaching the public were placed in increasingly concentrated hands.


Professional journalism, which dates from the 1920s, has lived its entire life during this phase, but let me say it again: this is what your generation has a chance to break free from. The journalists formerly known as the media can make the break by learning to specialize in a different art: seeing people as a public, empowered to make media themselves.


To conclude I will explain what this phrase--seeing people as a public--means to journalists for your generation by listing ten of its implications.



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