Got some interesting info about ESPN Radio's interview with Tiger Woods on Thursday morning:

1. Tiger will be live for the half-hour interview.

2. There will be no callers.

3. There is one major restriction that reps of Woods asked ESPN.

From an ESPN spokesperson:

"Tiger's people asked we not ask him specifically about the details of his car accident of last Thanksgiving night. Considering Tiger's been asked about the details of the accident many times during the past year at various press conferences, golf tournaments and by ESPN and has declined to answer each time, we agreed to that request."

4. Woods’s reps also asked that ESPN not ask how much time he spends with his former wife, Elin. (ESPN reps said they had no plans to address this topic, anyway)

5. ESPN will make an on-air disclaimer about the Thanksgiving content prior to the live interview as well as subsequent re-airs of the interview.

6. Why did Tiger opt for Mike and Mike?
Said an ESPN spokesperson: "ESPN's various entities are always seeking interviews with the day's most compelling and newsworthy personalities... Tiger had been on Mike and Mike several times and Mike and Mike had developed a good relationship with Tiger over the years, so his people reached out to us agreeing to have him on."

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