Reminder: from 12/17/10 on, if u see anything "vile" from me tagged w/ #OT or #OxyTweak, I'm deliberately screwing w/ Oxy, praying he posts it at

I also posted this here and here

I figure since he likes to post out of context tweets
to make Conservatives look racist, sexist, bigoted, or homophobic, I'll just tweet what he's trying to make it look like I'm tweeting.

I don't mean it, either way, but the way I figure it, at least this way everyone knows in advance I'm just deliberately screwing with him. If he posts it, he's only making himself look like a rube.

To Oxy:

The rub is, yes, of course some Cons are racist, sexist, bigoted, or homophobic. Then again, some Lefties are too.

You see, Oxy, that's part of being human and fallable.

Just like a *real* racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe, you also spout an -ism every time you tweet. Anyone who can't see bigotry and hatred rolling off you every time you tweet is blind.

Someone hating a person for being gay is no worse than you hating someone because they're rich. Similarly, someone hating a black man just for being black is no worse than you hating someone just because they're Conservative.

Of course, the only difference is that rich people and conservatives aren't the Left's pet protected classes, and that's what makes you think it's okay.

What's the Left's meme? NoH8? Um... yeah. Why not practice what you preach? Until then, STFU.

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