
Mike · @danmike1

20th Jan 2011 from Twitlonger

Partly translated (smile) -
original مصادر قيادية في المعارضة لـ'السفير': ان لم ينجح الوزيران القطري والتركي في إحداث اختراق فإن الوضع سيكون مفتوحا بعد مغادر http://t.co/5aIRWB4

Sources: The country/ Turkish ministers did not succeed and in a breakthrough, the situation will be open after the departure of all the possibilities. Thu Jan 20 2011 - 3:12:37 AM
Sources in the opposition's leadership «Ambassador» the two ministers in the (FROM?)Turkish country did not succeed and make a breakthrough, the situation will be open after the departure of all the possibilities. She stressed that the opposition would not accept commissioned Saad Hariri headed the government, it will not participate in any government is trying to compose even if it would double the size of the crisis it will not limit them .
And affirmed sources, what the opposition could have to given to Hariri before issuing the indictment, is no longer an option to take him now, pointing out that he was required him to take a position before issuing the indictment to be a partner in the path contain the repercussions and disable the function that Tlaekaya opposition positive steps, but It does not respond and the decision is a fait accompli, the opposition is now no longer need his services, which know how to deal with the charge sheet and the International Tribunal alone. They believed that Hariri's government, which lost can not formed, and the court which will not exceed its implications Lebanese border.

They believed that the words of Saud al-Faisal was designed to abort the endeavor Turkish country, which now practically without the umbrella of Saudi Arabia.

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