part 19!
Check this out!

Aku meninggalkan Christina aku gak suka ada orang yang ngebda bedain kayak gitu, aku nganggep mereka sama semua, gak ada yang begitu, aku lebih milih jadi anggota cupu daripada menjadi cewek famous yang otaknya nol besar. Aku pergi dengan kesal, aku ke kantin aku membeli sandwich, aku langsung ke kelas aku melihat caca udah dilempari sejenis makanan sepertinya dia dikerjain.

“Waddaheck? Why you like this, c’moon follow me I bring my t-shirt you will change your t-shirt”
“thanks sherly”
Caca selesai memakai bajuku dia bener bener cantik pas dia buka kacamata sama di gerai rambutnya aku sempet terperangah ngeliat dia aku langsung berkata
“caca, you’re so damn pretty”
“haha thanks, I’m not, you more, cause you greyson girlfriend, do you know I’m greysonator haha”
“really? Waw, I’m exited, but believe you really pretty caca if you just change your fashion you wll be great”
“I don’t know sherly, do you know I’m just a looser girl”
“why you talking like that? Tomorrow I must come to your house I will change you everthings”
“okay I will text you my adress”

aku dan caca masuk ke kelas karena bell berbunyi, walaupun aku udah deket sama caca aku tetep gak bisa duduk sama caca soalnya dia duduk sama temannya, jadi aku duduk masih sama fatur.

Pas aku lagi konsen belajar tentang history, fatur nanya ke aku.
”so, it’s true the rumors?”
“what? What rumors?”
“you’re greyson’s girlfriend”
“wtf? Where they know rrr crap”
“ofc, paparazzi always show that kiss and that farewell hug, so, it’s a true sherly?”
“yeah, it’s true I’m greyson’s girlfriend, but why? You askin me that?”
“nothing, I just want to know it”
“haha lol”

Fatur diem aku juga diem sekolah pun berakhir, aku ngajak caca jalan jalan ke mall yang ada di Jakarta, aku pingin beliin sesuatu buat caca. aku beli kontak lensa sama baju classic yang keren sama sneakers, aku sempet kecewa di Jakarta gak ada supra yaudah deh aku beli sneakers aja, barang barang yang ku beli aku simpan dirumahku dulu.

Pulang dari mall udah agak malem, mom gak begitu khawatir soalnya aku udah sms aku mau pergi sama caca aku capek aku mandi terus langsung makan, pas makan mom nanya.

“how about your school?”
“mm awesome, I just found a good friend her name is caca and fatur too”
“fatur? He’s guy? Waw you’re so faster to get guy friend”
“yep, cause he’s my first friend in my school we just sit in the same table mom”
“ok ok I know, so what about caca/”
“caca? She’s nice friend he come from Indonesia, she’s cute, and she’s greysonator, I know him cause she’s my partnet at biology class’
“ok, so have fun with your friend sweety, and do homework tonight! After that sleep. I will take your laptop now”
“aww mommy I miss greyson please ): don’t take the laptop, I want to see his face”
“aww jenny (mom sherly) don’t disturb our daughter, she’s fallin in love” celetuk dad sherly
“aww thanks dady you’re a great one”
“okay just for this night!”
“thank u mommy love ya, love you too dady, you’re a greet dady!”
Aku masuk ke kamar aku ngerjain pr ku aku nyalain computer dan webcaman sama greyson hingga jam 11 aku pun ingin tidur, yaudah greyson nyuruh aku tidur.

okay jangan lupa comment! aku suka seneng sendiri kalo ada yang comment!! luv ya xxxx :*

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