
girlgeek · @girlgeek1

9th Feb 2011 from Twitlonger

#jan25 There is a massacre going on now in #NewValley, #Kharga Oasis, #Egypt. The police cut off the electricity and water about 2-3 hours ago. They fired live bullets at the protesters. After brutally beating the protesters the police were forced to retreat. While retreating they set a gas station on fire. The protesters successfully put out the fire using buckets full of sand.
The protesters set the NDP HQ, Governorate building, and the police station on fire (the police station is unconfirmed). The police arrested a lot of youth randomly and took them to an unknown destination. Also the police set a lot of convicts from the Wadi Prison free to scare the people,keeping only political detainees. The latest news was that the convicts are set to attack the museum , and the protesters are preparing molotovs for defense. The above are the collected reports of @oghannam onsite.

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