So, okay, tonight, yeah...It was amazing. xD
So, as most of you know (The ones that stalk meh. o.o), I go to this 'Choir' thing, every Tuesday. Except, it's not really a choir. We sing stuff like 'Walking in Memphis,' 'Hey Soul Sister (HECK YEAA-UHHH. YOU JELLIN'?) and such. Blah, blah, whatever.
So, the guy that I attempted to stalk, at the Extreme Makeover thing, he's in it. That's where I met him. And, yeah, I kind of like him...He's like a year and a half younger than me....o.o. (WHERE IS A PEDOBEAR GIF, WHEN YOU NEED ONE?) Anyways, yeah, he's in there. (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID.) Anywaysssss, tonight, was a legit practice, because we all sung like angels. xD And, practice is normally from 6:30 to 8:00, but we've had to go to 8:30, because we're performing for the American Cancer Society March 11th, and we didn't know it until like...last week. But, that's beside the point. D:
So, this guy...he sings like Michael Jackson. (I'M NOT FREAKING KIDDING. I CAN'T EVEN...) Like, a young Michael Jackson. It's freaking beautiful. :'D And, he's the one I like. And, you know, we've high-fived here and there...he actually made up a special hand shake for us, last night. :'D Yeah, and so tonight, we practiced a song we learned a few months ago, for the first time in a while, and he was like a solo on it. I started crying because he was just so good. xD I WAS OVER-WHELMED BY THE AWESOMENESS OF EVERY PERSON, IN THE ROOM. And, we just had fun, and dance, and WE'RE SO LEGIT.
Then, he walked back up to the seats, and I was still kind of crying (LOLOLOL. xD I cry a lot. xD) And, I was just like, "Man...that was so good. THAT SO DESERVES A HIGH-FIVE." And, he was just like, "I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK." And, he high-fived me, and was like, "Wait...that was weak. Again." So, we high-fived again, and it was just beautiful. :'3
Then, we were singing this other song, and we was standing reall-lay close to me, and it was awesome. He smelled nice. xD (Yeah...I SMELL PEOPLE. YOU GOT'S A PROB?) And, when we sat down, there wasn't enough room for me (Of course...Forever alone. D:) So, I sat on the myself...(FOREVER. ALONE.) And, was staring at me, from his comfy chair, and, after a minute, was just like, "Here. Sit down." And, got up. I was like, "No..No, I'm good." xDD So he was like, "Just sit down." And, I was like, "Why? o.o" And, then, he got up, pulled me up by my hand, and made me sit in the chair. And, he sat down in the floor, and said, "I just wanted to stretch." I think it was a lie. ;D
Then, when we were leaving, I looking at him, and was like, "You were awesome, tonight." And, he just smiled, and was like, "Thanks. :3"
I love tonight. :D

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