part 36!!
enjoy read girls~~~

Greyson take his blackberry and see his twitter.

“why you do this?”
“it’s up to me what i want to do”
“whatever, so, go sleep now”
“okay momy”
“shut up”
“just kidding”
“good night, sweety”
“good night my boy, mmm greyson”
“can you stay here, until i feel sleep?”

Greyson still beside me, we talk each other, after that i feel fleepy, and then i’m sleep, i feel someone kiss my head, and say “i love you”, but i don’t care, i want to sleep now.

- In the morning-

I wake up, nice morning, i want to open my gift, but i have meet and greet -_- oh my i’m so really freaking lazy to do that, my manager chika, already give me weird face, i must take a bath now-_-.

“okay chika i know what you want”
“better, cause you know meet and greet stared from 1 hour again”
“WHAT? Oh god, chika you know i take a bath it’s 30 minute”

Aku mandi dengan secepat cepat, salahin chika! Udah tau aku mandi lama masih aje dibangunin satu jam sebelumnya, seteleah mandi aku pake tube dress warna madu, sama sepatu putih kalung dan gelang yang tulisannya GS <3.

-on the way-

“chika can you just shut up please”
“ihh liat nih”
“apaan sih?”

Aku ambil i pad yang di pegang chika dia lagi buka twitter, aku liat trending topic, their come back, greyson chance, sherly budson, relationship, never say never cut 3d version, awesome, hermione ganger, toy story 3, Harry Potter, daniel radcliffe.

Apa apaan nih nama ku di trending topic? Aku searh nama ku, disitu ada top tweet dari JUSTIN!

“awww cute couple”

Aku bingung itu foto apa aku liat ternyata FOTO aku sama greyson dikamar, astaga-_- nih pasti kerjaan justin.

“so apa yang mau kamu lakukan?”

Aku logout twitter chika, aku langsung sign in aku langsung nge tweet

“Morning guys!”
“woahhh, it’s so freaking morning i have another suprise from twitter LOL”
“okay yeah in that picture it’s me, me and @greysonchance yeah you guys right”
“BUT, i’m his friend not my boyf (;”
“we JUST friend kay?”
“woah woah i will meet and greet at Atlanta mall, who’s coming?”

Setelah ngetweet begitu aku langsung sign out karena udah nyampe.

- Meet and greet –

“so sherly, how was your party?”
“great cause you and greyson have a relationship again?”
“haha, no, he’s my bestfriend”
“really? so what are you doing in your room”
“yeah, in that times i feel tired, aku mau tidur sebelum aku tidur yahh dia menemaniku dan yah kita hanya mengobrol biasa”
“mengobrol bisa sampai greyson mencium dahi mu?”
“benarakah? aku saja gak menyadari itu”
“haha, aku tau kau berbohong sherly”
“yaa mungkin benar tetapi kalian tahu, kami dulu pernah berpacaran, tetapi yah itu hanya dulu bukan sekarang”
“oke lupakan masalah greyson, jadi sudah buka kado?”
“not yet, soalnya baru tadi pagi mau buka kado, eh aku upa ada meet and greet”
“oh ahaha, maaf kami mengganggu mu”
“tidak apa apa”

Meet and greet berlangsung selama satu jam, aku menyanyi sebentar dan langsung pergi ke rumah.

Pas aku masuk aku langsung ke atas buka kado kado ku, woahhh semuanya keren keren aku suka banget banget!!! Sampai akhirnya satu kado tertinggal, dari greyson...

A little purple box, with white ribbon, it’s really sweet i like the box. I open the box, that is a ring, white ring, and i see a little note there “do you want to be my girlfriend again? If you want, just wear that in my birthday and if you reject it just wear that ring to be your necklace.”

end of part 36 (:
what does sherly do? accept him or reject him?
so wait the next part guys xoxo
-shawty biebs

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