In #DailyMail Richard Littlejohn said >

Though Mail limit comments to 1000 characters, their Mods plenty slow at process.

So this is how I respond to article:

You are right Mr Littlejohn (or Mr Small Ivan as we are call you in Smolensk). Why only other day I rebuke my son, little Pavel, age 9. Not because he drunk again – we used to that – but because he is cry like big girl’s vest over victims of Japanese earthquake. I am set him right. “Listen son, and sober up when I am speak to you,” I begin, for I am conventional Dad. “Imagine if same thing happen to us and Pacific wave overwhelm Vladivostok. Sure, many people die, and there be many children made orphans, like we see in Tohoku. But remember! Many grandparents of those Russian orphans ran death camps of Kolyma and Solovki. Think of Great Uncle Alexei. Awarded Order of Lenin for gallantry at Stalingrad, purged, sent to Gulag and shot – all in same afternoon. And it was probably ancestor of one of those Vladi bastards who did it. So. No pity. Harden your heart.” Pavel nod, dribble, then pass out. Kids of today. Natural disaster’s too good for them.

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