
Ben Tremblay · @bentrem

27th Apr 2011 from Twitlonger

For me the point remains: what to do about irrationality? How to foster a community of rational agents?

A comment on <a href="">Club Troppo</a>:


I just minutes ago posted this: <a href="">CBC radio interview with Dr. AJ Hoffman; discussing climate change</a>. (A method I use for notes to myself.

Since 1973 ("How did we justify / rationalize overthrowing a democratically elected government?") I've concerned myself with the processes and dynamics of public policy. A few years ago (late 90s) I studied cog-psych at Dalhousie, reading into the formation of opinions and the place they hold in individual identity. Fascinating stuff, but for me the point remains: what to do about irrationality? How to foster a community of rational agents?

I'm not an academic; I'm a technical communicator. The goal has been (My project started August 1976. 35 years ... points for persistence?) and remains: <a href="">a system that enables public discourse</a> on policy issues. #participatory deliberation #praxis #techne

@ITGeek | @bentrem

p.s. The White House has released the President's "long form" birth document. How will the "birthers" respond to mere logic and fact? Not trivial!

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