
Ben Tremblay · @bentrem

29th May 2011 from Twitlonger

My reply to @LedFace's "Knowledge is not mine, not yours. Only the arrangement is ours." > <


I wrote to try and clarify my own thinking on something: while facts ("truth"?) matter, it's also true that "subjective narrative" matter (truth!) even when it's disregarded.

What I realized after many, many years of partisan politics is that winning the argument often leaves a trail of new conflicts. There's something fundamentally wrong there. Even when we agree on the facts (Let's face it, that doesn't often happen!) the way we go about making decisions leaves a lot of hard feelings. Democratic process? Maybe ... nominally ... but not social. In fact, just plain rude.

So my "GNodal" project is all about that: not just getting the data, not just presenting the information, but getting to what matters ... to people ... as though people matter ... cuz, ultimately, they do.

Very nice to meet you!
@ITGeek | @bentrem

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