NME: www.nme.com/ratemy/216512/greatest-singers-of-all-time


Votes for Michael are moving up the NME ranking. He has jumped to #2 from #5. The gap is now closing fast but we need everyone on this.

As we all know many are heading to LA this June to pay their respects at Forest Lawn. We need to establish a clear, wide lead now for Michael at #1 as travelling may mean many will find it difficult to vote intensively as the closing date approaches.

We are now rallying the vote.

Please post on FB, TWITTER, every MJ FAN SITE you know and don't know.

NME is a prestigious award in the world of serious musicianship.

Here is how to vote effectively:

1: You can vote daily and as many times as you want.

2: Open up 5 new pages in your browser with the NME
link in the address bar. Select Michael Jackson
from the top twenty list by clicking on his name.

3: A row of stars will then appear near the top of
the right hand side of the page alongside a
picture of MJ. Click on the #10 star to register
your vote for Michael.

4: As soon as it says "you have just rated Michael
Jackson...." move to the next 4 tabs you have

5: When you have worked through all 5 or 6 of your
tabs. Refresh all of them. Then again select
Michael Jackson's name from the main top twenty

6: When the ten stars appear near the top of the
page -- vote the #10 star again.

7: This method will become faster as you do it.
Basically the aim is speed up the process of
selecting,voting, refreshing -- then doing it

8: Try to do this daily for a committed period of
at least 2 hours a day.

The date for the close of competition is June 20.
NME will also announce the results that same day.
To ensure every vote counts and your efforts are effective -- please continue voting until June 21 as international timezones affect dates differently depending on your location. By voting daily and steadily this award can be won!

Yhank you & lets do this.

For Michael.

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