
ZumaDogg.com · @ZumaDogg

29th Jun 2011 from Twitlonger

L.A. Council Resolves most of the major issues on OLVERA ST MERCHANT Agreement, but ONE big issue remains. OLVERA MERCHANT RESPONDS TO TODAY'S COUNCIL ACTION:

Mariscal said..."Three of the four major issues were resolved, but one HUGE one still remains...and that is discrepancy over the rate of my family's business.

Despite evidence presented to El Pueblo's General Manager, City Council and the City Attorney, our family will have one of the highest increases on Olvera Street! Our rent will increase by over 300%. I don't know about the other working folks in the world, but if your rent went up 300% overnight, I don't think you'd be able to survive.

We aren't asking for special treatment, consideration or any of the bull that was crammed down our throats...instead we were asking for fair treatment within an already unfair situation.

I appreciate your efforts to voice this important issue & I am thankful for the many factors that were addressed, but I hope that there's someone out there willing to look at evidence (much provided by City Departments themselves), and give us the fair shake we deserve.

Today's decision has a double-edged sword...let's hope the merchants don't continue to get pricked by both ends." (Comment via RonKayeLA.com)

[ZD UPDATE: It's possible a Brown Act violation occurred on Friday that would invalidate this action and would have to be reconsidered. It's being evaluated. We'll see.]

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