
Josie · @YouSocializeMe

4th Jul 2011 from Twitlonger

Purposeful Networking

What is your truth?
Mine is: We are all connected!
Taken any which way- literally, metaphysically/ spiritually, technologically, ecologically- We are indeed All connected.

How, You may be wondering, can mere social networking be the medium which allows You to express the 'essence' of You?

Here is how I see it. Perhaps you can identify?
In terms of our connection literally- dig this, according to physicists and others in the know- we are all made up of the very same matter that the stars and everything in the galaxy- as we know it- are made up of.

Metaphysically or spiritually speaking we are all from the same Divine Source or Ocean, even the atheist.We each are a droplet of God.

Technologically?, well that should be obvious but for the slower ones amongst us: We are all connected to this big network called the world wide web.

Again, given that we all live on planet Earth we share the same ecology. It’s like Chaos Theory says: A butterfly flapping its wings in China has an effect on the weather on the other side of the world.

But how you may ask again, do I live my Truth via social networking? My 'truth' we are all connected is not a new idea. In fact, I proudly claim its Hindi equivalent as my email signature.

Perhaps You know it already- "I honour in You the Divine that I honour in me and I know that we are One".

Therein lies exactly how I govern all my social networking interaction, both online and off.
In other words, I treat others as I'd like to be treated because as connected as we are all that I do to You, I Am really doing it to me, and the whole.

So, again, what is your networking truth?

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