**Teaser** - Beyond The Glass Chapter 16 - "The First Kiss"

The cameras continued to flash, and the questions continued to fire out at us, but behind the safety of aluminium and glass I let myself relax into the leather seats. My face flushed hot when I felt Jasper’s arm secure itself around my shoulders, but when he pulled me to him gently, I allowed myself to go, sinking into his comfort and new familiarity.
His affections weren’t new, but something about the way he hummed contentedly when I rested my head on the front of his shoulder told me this was different. He had initiated all contact in our relationship before – usually just chaste kisses to the forehead or cheek when he bade me goodbye or the quick hugs when we met up.

I battled down the negative thoughts, the ones that were telling me he was only doing it as a front. Why would he, though? Most of the stories I heard were about celebs shying away from human contact in front of waiting paparazzi. They tried to keep their friendships and relationships a secret, but Jasper seemed content to have them think whatever they wanted.

Ultimately, this reasoning confused me because it was clear now that only a few words with Edward had him ready to abandon our relationship altogether. That thought brought me up short and I pulled away from him, ignoring the sad sigh that escaped his lips when his arm fell to the empty space between us.
I shook my head to try and gather some semblance of order in my brain, but all I served to do was make myself dizzy. I clutched the edge of the leather and noticed Jasper lean towards me from the corner of my vision.

“Bella?” His voice was soft and gentle, and he didn’t know that it was only making it harder to be mad at him.


Chapter should be up on all sites very early next week :) xx

Story Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6420057/1/Beyond_The_Glass

Banner Link: http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy130/LiveInDakota/BeyondtheGlass-1.jpg

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