#occupyokc As spoken by An Occupant @ #occupytulsa #occupywallstreet When I hear people saying that these people need to get a job, or get a clue, it reminds me of the footage of the civil rights movement when people would say "those ni**ers just need to stay in their place." I was there(occupy Tulsa), and I have a job, as do most of the people there. If you can't see the political and economic inequality in this country then I can't help you. But I think it's pretty telling, when Bank of America tower is looming over these protests, and over a hundred police show up to attest peaceful people on city ordince charge, but they can' lift one finger to investigate the massive fraud that destroyed a quarter of our countries wealthy that took 200 years to accumulate. And they did it practically over night, and the are sitting there laughing at you, and Your stack of bills, and your astronomical health insurance costs, and they don't give a crap about you and this country, and they still continue to rob all of blind. The game is rigged, your voice doesn't matter unless you are rich. The veterans in our camp, they are they same people that You had that yellow ribbon on your car for. Now they are Here, trying to tell you that the biggest enemy isn't in Iraq, they are on Wall St, and in the halls of congress, and you laugh, and mock them, and call them a loser. What a shame.

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