#auspol The Journalist (Hacks) Questions at todays PM press conference:-
1. Re Alp/LNP Nielsen polls (Leadership not mentioned)
2. Sen Brown's sexism claims
3. Gov economic forecasts/management
4. Syria
5. Indigenous constitution clause for referendum
6. Should tax payers continue to "prop up" the car industry? (Leading much?)
7. RBA and Banks passing on interest rate custs
8. Malaysia & foreign trade
9. Private Health Insurance Rebate Legislation
10. Unemployment vs surplus / Comment re Murdoch calling Rudd "inept"
11. "Why did you feel the need to tell Mike Willesee you are the Prime Minister" (FFS!!!)
12. Something about Fair Work Australia
13. Why don't you sell your message better?" (LOL)
14. (Rumour) Some MPs say you have to do better. (More LOL)
15. Your message to indigenous unemployed?
16. Leadership tensions (She referred to her "dont write crap" suggestion)
17. "How do you deal with Rudd."

Not ONE question about the 3 topics she mentioned at the presser and enough leading questions, thinly veiled innuendo to fill the front pages. Again.

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