What is needed is real action to tackle the political and economic challenges.


Contributing to America’s Rising Economy

Do You CARE?

A resource is simply a means and presently, a means to what end, no one knows. Man is humanity’s most valuable resource, but ironically the one thing at which man is most resourceful is destruction. And the cause pending behind this destruction is our perception of conservation: we perceive conservation as a noun, as an idol, as something on a pedestal; we perceive conservation as an idea; we perceive conservation as the system; but, we need to perceive it as the process: conservation is a verb, it is the action; it is the means to conserve our most valuable resource––if we don’t conserve now, then who knows?
Our mission at Care is to conserve. We will find prospects toward a more effective and efficient lifestyle and implement them. From the home to the world, we will lead the shift towards the new progressive standard, the standard by which we will bond and achieve the greatest action: conservation. “We” are the most effective means to make a difference. As a group us, we will be paramount; we will care: we will help one another solve problems, teach one another the unknown, and show one another the “new way;” we will be family; we will be the Care-ring––by us caring we will show the world that Care is an effective means to make a difference. Care is the entity and the unity, we are the action; with spirit, we will make the difference.


Care’s ideology is that “man is humanity’s most valuable resource” because “man” has the ability to manipulate his or her environment and change it for the good. And, environments are ecological: within a particular environment, an action or process that has, is, or will be taking place will have some sort of effect on another environment or series of other environments whether the environment is the home, the political, or the natural environment. Since processes affect processes within environments, and man has the ability to change an environment, thus its processes, the mission of Care is to use “humanity’s most valuable resource” to influence positive changes within particular environments and thus influence a positive change in the scope of all environments.

For example, if one’s home is made more energy efficient, not only will the home be more comfortable to live in, boosting the moral of the person or people who live there, but it will also sponsor a reduction in the use of war causing fossil fuels and a reduction of greenhouse gases which may lead to global climate change. Making one’s home more efficient will also
sponsor a savings in money for the person or people living there, and thus, if a multitude of people’s homes are made efficient, it could sponsor a huge national savings as less energy used is less money spent. And this national savings could help sponsor a stronger economy––money saved in one place will be money spent in another––and a stronger economy will lead to better job security, and so, better welfare for all in America. So by positively changing one environment, in this case the home environment, it can influence a series of positive changes in other environments. Care will have the responsibility of motivating these changes.

A network of institutions, or offices, and the processes within and between them will work to make this positive impact. Members of the Care-ring, such as but not limited to, economists, energy enthusiasts, contractors, home energy auditors, home owners, politicians, and financers will discuss, debate, and agree on a necessary mission––in this example, to make America’s homes more energy efficient. And the members involved in the project will then plan and implement the mission’s processes: the economists will formulate opinions on its long term affects and worthwhile-ness, the energy enthusiasts will help procure the need to save energy in the home, the home energy auditor and the contractor will work with the home owner who wants to make the change, the politician will create incentive to be involved in the process, and the financer will provide support.

The mission above of making America’s homes more energy efficient is merely an example. This chain of processes and relationships can function with any mission and missions are limitless. The actors involved in this example merely represent variables in what could be an endless equation. So the picture is painted, the Care-ring can help sponsor an endless possibility of positive efforts by an endless possibility of people and the relationships between them through caring.

The Structure

At Care we wish first to form a union of individuals––the Care-ring. It is in this union that individuals will communicate and agree upon the same “means” to make a difference and be effective. As one knows an unorganized mass of individual opinions can become quite chaotic, so eventually, as this union grows, we see a necessity to organize members into individual offices and groups of offices in order to procure some clarity in the union’s processes. Each individual office will be rooted in a certain interest or specialty among members of the particular office. And these offices will communicate with one another as individuals––consensus on a certain matter within a particular office will essentially be the voice of the office as an entity itself. An office can achieve certain goals in and of itself, but the real vision is interoffice communication, communication that will lead to interoffice action––a healthy collective collaboration of human resources achieving something good.

After substantial growth of the Care-ring, offices will be organized under the domain of each state: within the Care-ring, there will be fifty state offices, and within each state office there will be a number of specialty offices. The purpose of this further organization is to make being effective on a larger spectrum of matters more efficient: a state office will be more effective within its domain on matters that are domain specific over other offices unfamiliar with that domain; a state office will be better able to utilize the resources within its boundaries to achieve good in that state.

Interoffice communication/action along with the division of state offices will be an economic means to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of goal implementation within the Care-ring. Goals can be specific to specific groups of offices, however, the true idea is to use the economy of the office and division of state offices to achieve a goal specific to the entire Care-ring through the “consensus of means:” an agreement on the means of goal implementation among the entire Care-ring. As a union of efficient and effective office networks we will be able to implement “the difference.”

Naturally, for the success of Care, it is a necessity to have some sort of governing body to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the Care-ring. This governing body is merely for the purpose of coordinating the “means” between each office and for the coordination of “means” within each office. Care will have oversight by three principal groups: the Executive Board of Directors (EBOD), the associate board of directors (ABOD), and the voice (all Care-ring members).

The EBOD will have the responsibility of coordinating the means between individual offices: it will be responsible for holding elections of ABOD members, coordinating “the consensus of means” between offices, coordinating technical relationships between offices, and coordinating any other large scale matters within the Care-ring. Each specialty office will have its own ABOD. The ABOD of each office will have the responsibility of delegating tasks to individuals within the office, coordinating “the consensus of means” within the office, and taking care of any other intraoffice matters. And the voice will have the responsibility of caring. Without a voice there are no issues or concerns; there are no important matters; there are no opinions. The voice will be the driving force in the direction Care takes.

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