[On English] Love Light Sign Project by @SuperjuniorIFC & Friends

Project's name : Love Light Sign
Date : April 29th 2012 (Day 2 of SS4 INA)
The Project : Light
Time : At 'OUR LOVE' Song
Location : At Junior VIP L section
Tools that used : Light Stick and small Flashlight
Mechanism of Project :
1. LLS will be made when Super Junior sings "Our Love" song
2. LLS is turned on during "Our Love" song is being sung
3. LLS Forming words ELF ♥ SJ
4. LLS devide into two parts, Light Stick to form sapphire sea and small flashlight to form words ELF ♥ SJ

Project's Preparation :
1. At 9 AM WIB, all ELF that will be in Junior VIP L is hoped to gather in front of MEIS, to get the last simulation about this project
2. Small Flaslight will be devided to ELF that sit on words ELF ♥ SJ seat plan

"All ELF in Junior VIP L section is hoped to bring another baterai to their Light Stick, Considering Light Stick only stay around 3-4 hours if turned on continuously

P.S :
The procedure that must be followed in implementation of fanproject is as
follows [Cr. @ @ Sujunesia TwELFs]:
1. Fanproject attributes (ex: handbanner, fan, etc.) were distributed outside the stadium.
2. At the end of fanproject will not littering the stage
3. At the time of execution fanproject will not block the view of other audience
4. Contains no SARA
5. Not throw something at the stage

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