#imagine part 26
*2 months later*
Niall had been away for a week on a tour and he wasn't coming back until a week before the baby was due, she still wasn't due for another three weeks so you were getting really big. you and Chloe needed some food for the week so you both went out to the local grocery store. you both were walking around and you got into the meat area when you felt something wet go down your leg, you just stranded still in shock when Chloe came up to you. 
"what are you doing?" she asked staring at you. 
"I think my water broke" you said softly still in shock. 
"OMG OMG! let's get you to the hospital!" Chloe said as she carefully rushed you out of the shop and into the car. when Chloe started to drive of she quickly phone up Niall.
"hey Chloe, I am only talk for a lit-"
"(YN)'S WATER JUST BROKE!" she screamed into the phone cutting him off. 
"WHAT SHE'S NOT DUE FOR ANOTHER THREE WEEKS!" he screamed back at her. 
"is there anyway you can get to the hospital?" 
"I am leaving now!" Niall yelled before hanging up the phone, as soon as he hang up the phone you got a text from him. 
N:'baby, I am on my way stay calm I will be there within the next two hours! I love you!'
you where about five minutes away when the pain started to kick in. 
when you arrived at the hospital, Chloe ran you up to the front counter. 
"please, her water broke please help her!" Chloe said to the lady as soon as she found the desk, you fell tithe ground screaming in pain. 
"PLEASE HELP HER, GET HER A WHEELCHAIR!" Chloe said freaking out and helping you out, a lady ran over and put you on in a wheelchair and took you into the  maternity ward. 

*Chloe's POV*

when they took her into the ward a lady came up to me and keep asking me questions, I just wanted to be with (yn). 
"is the father here?" she asked me. 
"no he is on his way, he was ok tour." I said freaking out, "can I please just go in with her." I said as she let me into the ward, I went and sat down in the chair next to her for a couple hours when Niall rang me. 
"hey I am here, we're are you guys?" he asked me puffing as it sounded like he was running. 
"were in the maternity ward, she is in labour." 
"okay I will be in a minute!" Niall said back. 

*Niall's POV*

when I arrived at the hospital eyes were just peering at me, but I just keep running to the desk. 
"hello, my girlfriend is in labour can you please lead me to her please!?" I spired at the lady face, all the other boys waited out the front for us. when I walked into the room she was screaming! I couldn't see her like that. 

*7 hours later* 

little Lilly Horan was born at 8:24pm on the 2nd of May 2012. 
"Chloe?" you said leaning over and looking into her eyes by holding Lilly in your arms.... "me and Niall both want to know if you want to be the godmother?" you asked looking down at Lilly sleeping peacefully in your arms. 
"of cause!" Chloe said grabbing onto your arm. the other boys came in and you all just talked. Lilly was healthy at birth so she was good to go home the next day. 

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