#imagine Harry Part 11-

Harry: We have decided if people ask then we will tell them the truth, and that is that we have started going out.
You can tell Louis isn't 100% comfortable about the situation, but he doesn't say anything about it.
Louis: Aww, are you going to tell the press and go public then?
You and Harry look at each other, you completely forgot to talk about that part. 
Harry: (y/n) what do you want to do?
You: I'm not sure, I think it is to soon. What do you think about it?
Harry: Yeah maybe we should wait and see what happens before we tell the world. Just family and close friends for now?
You: I think that's for the best.
You say smiling.
Louis: That might be hard guys.
He says looking in the mirrors to see behind us. The windows are blacked out so they can't see in but you can see them. Your being followed by a few vans with paparazzi behind the wheel.
You: What are we going to do?
You ask pulling on to the street nearly outside his mums.
Harry: Put your hood up and keep your head down.
Louis: I'll let you guys out and help cover you.
You pull up in the drive way quickly followed by the paparazzi. Louis gets out and pushes pass the cameras to Harry's side door. Before he gets there you quickly grab Harry's arm.
You: Harry I'm kinda scared.
Harry: You'll be fine, just keep hold on my hand and your head down.
The door opens and Harry jumps out holding your hand tightly. Louis waits for you to get out and stands on the other side of you so your in the middle. All you can see it's the flash from all the cameras surrounding you. You quickly rush to get to the door which is already open. Louis goes in first and your about to when a pap try's to grab the sleeve of Harry's coat to spin you round and see who you are, but miss and grab your cut hand. You let out a little scream in pain and he quickly let's go. Harry pushes you through the door and he follows. He turns around to close the door behind you, he turns back around and you have your head down. He lifts up your head to see if your okay.But you have tears streaming down your face, holding your hand which you can see is bleeding again through the bandage you put on it before.

Thanks for reading, hope you like it-Sophie x

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