#imagine Harry Part 12-

Louis' mum comes into the hall way to say hello to you but notices the blood.
Louis' Mum: Oh my god, come in here (y/n).
She says opening the toilet door. You quickly walk and sit on the edge on the bath, placing your hand over the sink. Harry starts to walk towards the door with you but Louis stops him.
Louis: Come in the front room.
Harry: But what about (y/n)?
Harry says with a concerned look on his face.
Louis: My mum will take care of her, don't worry.
Harry looks at you through the crack left open of the door. You give him a smile and nod telling him it's alright to go, and he does.
Louis' Mum: What was all that about?
You: What was what about?
Louis' Mum: You and Harry that's what.
She says unwrapping your bandage full of blood to see the cut. You look away at the sight of the blood.
You: We're kinda going out.
Louis' Mum: Ohh really?
You: Yeah, crazy isn't it.
Louis' Mum: It is a bit yeah, but you do look cute together (y/n).
You: I think we to do as well. I really like him... a lot.
Louis' Mum: He like you too, I can tell.
You: How?
Louis' Mum: The way he was all protective over you outside, and just the way he looks at you and holds you.
She bends your fingers back slightly to have a better look at the cut.
You: OUCH! 
You scream.
Louis' Mum: Sorry darling, didn't mean to hurt you.
You: It's fine, it just stings a lot.
*calls to Louis*
Louis' Mum: Louis, can you come here quickly please.
You hear footsteps walking towards the toilet, Louis and Harry come in the door. They both look at your hand leaning over the sink.
Harry: Oh wow! does it need stitches?
Louis' Mum: No I'm sure she'll be fine Harry, but Louis could you go and get the little medical kit from on top of the fridge.
Louis: Yeah sure.
He walks out and heads towards the kitchen. Harry comes and sits next to you on the edge of the bath. He puts his hand on the thigh and puts his arm around your waist, while you place your head on his shoulder.
Louis' Mum: See what I mean?
You don't speak, you just nod your head.
Harry: See what?
You: Don't worry babe.
Louis brings in the medical kit in and Louis' mum cleans it and re-bandages it properly. You all go back into the kitchen and enjoy a lovely cooked meal. You all have a long catch up and fill one another in about everything that's happen since you've last spoken, including your new relationship. Time flew past and it was soon time you, Harry and Louis went back to the apartment. You get into the car and head back home.

Thanks for reading, next part coming later tonight or tomorrow, any feedback welcome:)- Sophie x

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