#imagine Harry Part 12-

You get back to the apartment and all sit down on the sofa.
Harry: Should we put a film on?
Louis: Yeah, what one?
Harry: Should we let the lady pick?
You: That's sweet of you both, but I don't really mind.
Louis gets up and looks through the dvd's while Harry gets a blanket. He comes over and sits next to you. You cuddle up next to each other as he places the blanket over you both. Louis puts on the film and sits back down. Eventually you fall asleep on Harry's chest cause you was still tired from the flight and it has been a long and strange day. At the end of the film you hear Louis get up to take the film out whilst talking to Harry, but you keep your eyes shut to listen.
Louis: What are you gonna do when people find out?
Harry: What can I do?
Louis: I just don't want to see her get hurt, she doesn't deserve it.
Harry: And you think I want her to? I haven't known her as long as you have, but I really care about her Louis.
Louis: I know her. It something bad happens, she'll go back to Spain. I don't want her to leave again.
Harry: Neither do I Louis, you have to trust me when I say that.
Louis: I will... in time. I'm going bed, shall I take her up?
Harry: No I don't want to wake her, I'll stat down here with her.
Louis: Okay, night mate.
Harry: Yeah see you in the morning, birthday boy!
Louis walks upstairs but Harry quickly calls him.
Harry: Louis! What did you mean by again?
Louis: Her ex, he cheated on her. Thats why she first went to her friends house in Spain, she goes quite often now.
Harry: He was stupid then.
Louis: Yeah he was.
Louis goes upstairs and you hear his door close behind him.Harry lays down more to go sleep himself. He starts playing with your hair making you fall back to sleep.

*Next Morning*

You wake up expecting to see Harry next to you, but he was already up. You walk into the kitchen and find Louis and Harry eating some breakfast. You run up to Louis and give him a massive hug and kiss on the cheek.
Louis: Thanks (y/n)!
You: Your presents upstairs, let me go get it.
You say turning around, to head upstairs. Harry stands up.
Harry: Am I invisible or something?
You turn around and run towards Harry. He puts his arm around you as you have a morning kiss.
Harry: Thats better!
You go and get Louis' present and give it to him. You spend the rest of the morning with each other, messing around and all having a laugh.
*A Few Hours Later*
Louis: We should start getting ready, almost time to party.

Thanks for reading everyone-Sophie x

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