#imagine Harry Part 21-

The kitchen door quickly flings open. Harry and Louis are first to come in closely followed by Niall and Liam.
Niall helps Zayn off of you and helps him sit up.
Zayn: I'm gonna be sick!
Niall: Liam help me take him upstairs, he needs to sleep it off.
You quickly sit up, most of your body shaking. Louis and Harry sit next to you trying to calm you down.
Harry places his hand on your knee, but you quickly move and push it off.
Harry looks at you but you don't at him, so he turns to look at Louis unsure of what to do.
Louis: (y/n) what happened?
You shake your head not wanting to talk about it.
Harry: Tell us...please?
You: He.. He's just drunk, he didnt know what he was doing.
Harry: But what did he do?
You: We was just talking and then he made a pass at me.
You turn to look at Harry.
You: But I moved back straight away.
Louis: He did what!?
You: He's just drunk! It's not a big deal.
Louis takes your hand.
Harry: If it's no big deal then why are you all jumpy?
Louis: And shaking.
You: Because it took me by surprise and yeah I was scared at the time,but I'll be fine soon.
You hear someone calling from upstairs,
Niall: Louis, can you bring another bottle of water up.
Louis looks at you.
Louis: Will you be alright? I will be straight back down.
You: Louis I'll be fine!
Harry: Yeah I'll be here.
Louis: Okay I'll be back in a minute.
He gets up and goes to the kitchen grabs some water and takes it upstairs. 
Harry: Are you sure your okay babe?
You move back closer to Harry and put your head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead.
You: I am now.
Harry: Maybe we should just tell Louis now?
You lift your head to look at Harry.
You: We can't not now, tomorrow?
Harry: But we won't be able to do this when someone comes down.
You: Well there's no-one here now..
You put your arms round his neck and kiss him passionately. He starts kissing you back and playing with your hair, pushing it back from your face. You both get so caught up in each other you don't notice Louis coming down the stairs.
You and Harry both let go of one another turning to see who it was, praying it was anyone but Louis... But it was.
Louis: Don't let me stop you.
You: Louis, I can explain.
Louis: Go on then?

End of part 21, any feedback?- Sophie x

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