Harry Styles #Imagine Story – Part 62


You were glad to be back with Harry and the Boys…
As you drove home that night and picked up McDonalds on the way for you to eat, you ate the fries on the way home, falling asleep as you ate…

When you all got back to the apartment, Harry carried you upstairs even though you insisted on walking up yourself…
Lying you down on the bed, Harry shut the curtains of his room and put your suitcases in the corner of the room, lying down next to you and pulling the blankets up around both of you…

Putting his arms around your waist he kissed your neck gently before whispering “goodnight princess” and falling asleep…


Waking the next morning, you feel Harrys arms around your waist as you turn over in bed to look at him, hes sleeping peacefully and as you try to push the blankets off of you and try to push his arm away to go to the bathroom, he stirs in his sleep…

Opening his eyes sleepily he smiles up at you and says in a scratchy morning voice “morning baby” he says leaning in and kissing your lips gently, you slide your hand down his cheek and he smiles behind the kiss, as you pull away to get out of bed

“where are you going ?” he asks sleepily trying to take hold of your hand again but missing…
“im going to the bathroom” you said laughing at the look he gives you
“fine, don’t be to long though” he said smirking and closing his eyes again
“promise” you said with a laugh opening the door out into the hallway

Letting the door close with a quiet click behind you, you bumped into Zayn on the way…
“oh, sorry” you said smiling sheepishly up at him, and pushing yourself away
“that’s alright” he said with a shy smile, smirking and walking the other way down the hall. You continued to the bathroom where you untied your hair and re-tied it in a high ponytail, brushing your teeth and rinsing, you smiled in the mirror and straightened your clothes…

Walking back out into the hallway you went into the kitchen getting a glass of water, Niall was in there eating coco-pops “MORNING” he yelled when you walked in smiling and laughing

“haha morning to you to” you said saluting him jokily and taking a sip of your water…

Rinsing your glass out and placing it on the bench you went back to Harrys room where he was still lying in bed, tired from last night, he smirked at you sleepily when you walked back in.
“you were to long” he said laughing and pulling the blankets back for you…

You laughed and hopping back into bed sliding your arms around his middle and breathing into his neck “I have to call my mum and dad soon” you said laughing under your breath

“ohh, are you serious ?” Harry said sighing and slipping his arm over your waist under the covers. “yeah I am serious” you said reaching over Harry to grab your phone, but instead he pulled you back nuzzling into your neck and kissing you gently down your jawline…

Outside your could hear the rain falling on the windows and as you pulled away from Harry laughing, you kissed him to distract him while you picked up your phone…

Laying back in bed you dialed in your mums number and pushed Harry away from your neck telling him to be quiet, he bit his lip and leaned over you kissing you again.

“Hello ?” your mum answered
“hey mum, just checking in” you said laughing a little
“oh hey sweetheart, how was your flight ?” she asked
“it was great, but I was so tired when I got back to the flat last night” you said with a yawn leaning back on Harry and sighing quietly.

He started to play with your hair as you talked to your mum about the food that you ate on the way here, and if you felt sick to go straight to your auntys house.

You laughed “mum, ok, ok, im fine, don’t worry about me” you said with a smirk
“sorry dear” she said with a laugh
“that’s ok” you whispered

“well, I have to go sweetie, its late here, don’t worry about calling your father il txt him now and you can call him tonight” she said

“ok, thanks mum” you said smiling to yourself
“that’s alright sweetie” she said
“I love you mum”
“love you to bub”

And with that you hung up the phone sighing and looking up at Harry
“whats up love ?” he asked giving you a hopeful smile
“do you think we could go see my cousins today ?” you asked
“of course, whatever you want” he said laughing and kissing your forehead.


She laid her hand on my cheek and smiled up at me, I bit my lip and leaning down kissed her smiling …

‘RECORDING STUDIO TIME’ Niall ran past the door, punching it a few times and then laughing and walking back down the hallway

“shit” I whispered
“what ?” she asked smirking a little
“we have to go to the recording studio today” I said burying my head in the pillow
“whats wrong with that ?” she asked laughing quietly
“I wanted to spend the day with you” I said looking her in the eyes
“ngaw” she said kissing my nose “come on though, I love it at the recording studio” she said with a smile standing and walking over to her suitcases, unzipping one and grabbing out some clothes, hiding behind the closet door and getting changed…

When she was dressed in grey skinny jeans and Obey jumper she pulled her hair tie out letting her hair hang loose around her shoulders perfectly.

She walked over to the side if the bed and picked up her red Vans pulling them on
“come on Harry” she said trying to pull me out of bed, when I finally stood she smiled up into my eyes and I pulled her close, kissing her again we waltz together over to my closet where I got changed, smirking …

Making our way out to the kitchen, the boys were all ready and changed to leave, grabbing the keys off of the hook in the kitchen we started down to the carpark, my arm around (YN)S shoulders, and started for the studio…

End of Part 62
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Love you (;

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