-skip dikamar ama Nat-
Me: "Nat.. "
Nat: "what's wrong hun?"
Me: "gue deket ama zayn.."
Nat: "baguss dongg.."
Me: "engga nat,buruk.."
Nat: "kenapa?bukannya lo sayang ama zayn?"
Me: "iyaa, tapi....."
Nat: "tapi apa?"
Me: "tapi gue gaboleh suka ama zayn.."
Nat: "kenapa?"
Me: "soalnya pasti dia bakalan lupa ama gue setelah dia balik ke U.K."
Nat: "engga secepet itu kali caarr"
Me: "mungkin aja Nat.. Fans dia tuh banyak, cantik2 gituu, dia gbs sama gue.."
Nat: "hmm, liat aja entar-.-"
-skip besoknya-
Me: "nat,next photoshootnya mau dimana nih?"
Nat: "mau di pinggir kolam renang engga?"
Me: "boleeh tuh,bolehh!"
Nat: "yaudah yuuk, siapin ajaa"
Me: "okk"
-skip pas photoshoot-
Me: "oke zayn, sekarang kamu.. Pose yaah"
Zayn: "*pose dengan senyum yang paling unyu*"
Me: "nah gitu kek,engga kaya kemarin"
Zayn: "ehehhe"
-skip selesai photoshoot-
Me: "nat, gue balik kerumah dulu yaah"
Nat: "mau ngapain?perlu gue temenin engga?"
Me: "gapapaa,mau ngambil ada yg ketinggalan,ama kangen rumahh"
Nat: "okk"

Carol POV
Gue dijalan mau ke lobby,gue ketemu zayn. Hm gue sok sok ga liat aja deh. Gue gamau dia bener2 jadi sayang sama dia. Lagipula gue gapantes ama dia. Byk directioners buat dia yg lebih baik&cantik;untuk dia..

Zayn POV
Itu carol kan? Dia mau kemana yah?dia bawa tas,ama bawa kunci mobil. Aku sapa engga yah?pingin ngobrol bareng dia.. Yahh,gue telat. Dia udah ngilang duluan..

Carol POV
Yeaayy hommyyy hoomeee sweett hooome!! Okee I just wanna lay in my beed~ kak Ve mana yah?kangeen
-Tbtb bi sumi dtg-
Bi sumi: "non, makan dulu, udah siap di bawah makanannya"
Me: "iyaa mbok, entar aja. Kak Ve ama mommy mana?"
Bi sumi: "non Ve masih di kampus, nyonya lagi pergi"
-skip abis makan, trs udh malem-
Kak Ve mana yah?udah malem, aku harus balik ke hotel. Ehh itu kak Ve, aku izin pamit ahh
Me: "kak, aku pergi dulu yaa, salam buat mommy"
Kak Ve: "mau kemana?"
Me: "ke hotel"
Kak Ve: "ngapain?!kamu itu cewe. Suka banget sih jalan2 keluar malem. Gausah aneh2 kamu"
Me: "aku jadi photographernya client daddy selama seminggu"
Kak Ve: "gausah. Ngapain kamu nerima tawaran daddy?kamu itu bentar lagi mau UUB! Kamu itu emang cantik, tapii buat apa cantik iya,tapi otak dangkal!?"
Me: "buat nilai sekolah photographer aku juga kakk"
Kak Ve: "apa kamu gabisa postpone dulu apa?kamu perhatiin sekolah kamu! Kakak gamau kamu gagal! Perhatiin nilai akademis kamu!!"
Me: "iya aku tau kak, udah deh,aku mau berangkat. Aku capek debat ama kakak"

Carol POV
Gue otw dengan berlumuran air mata. Gue kira gue bakalan fine2 aja ama kakak gue. Ternyata gue salah. Padahal gue udah kangen sama dia. Kenapa sih dia suka banget marahin gue?gue capek tau gak?misalnya gue baru nyalain komputer dia tbtb dtg minta gantian, giliran gue minta gantian,dia gamau, dia suka nya ngejudge gue. Dia egois. Dia gapernah merhatiin perasaan gue! Gue pingin punya kakak cowo! Gue pingin diperhatiin! Capek tau diginiin! Ahh gue ke taman hotel dulu deh, mau nenangin diri. Gue nangis sesegukkan disitu. Gue gapeduli. Gue pingin tempat yang sepi, gue pingin sendiri. Gue nangis di rumput dengan menekuk kaki gue dan gue meluk kaki gue yang ditekuk. Gue nangis. Parah. Kejer. Gue ngiri sama apa yg kakak gue punya. Eh?kok?gue ngerasa ada orang disamping gue ya?
Zayn: "kamu kenapa?kamu bisa cerita sama aku"
Me: "*nangis*................ *nengok ke zayn* zayn?*nangis lagi,nutup muka dengan cara deketin muka ke lutut yg ditekuk*"
Zayn: "yeah"
Me: "*tetep nangis*"
Zayn: "*meluk aku* ssshhh, let me hug you.. I think, with hug you, you'll feel better"
Me: "*deketin ke zayn* *makin nangis*"
Zayn: "*meluk kamu* *nyanyiin The A Team by Ed Sheeran*"

White lips, pale face
Breathing in snowflakes
Burnt lungs, sour taste
Light's gone, day's end
Struggling to pay rent
Long nights, strange men

And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since 18
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
Cos we're just under the upperhand
Go mad for a couple grams
And she don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside

For angels to fly
Angels to fly

Ripped gloves, raincoat
Tried to swim, stay afloat
Dry house, wet clothes
Loose change, bank notes
Weary-eyed, dry throat
Call girl, no phone

And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since 18
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
Cos we're just under the upperhand
And go mad for a couple grams
And she don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland
Or sells love to another man
It's too cold outside

For angels to fly
An angel will die

Covered in white
Closed eye
And hoping for a better life
This time, we'll fade out tonight
Straight down the line

And they say
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since 18
But lately her face seems
Slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
They scream
The worst things in life come free to us
And we're all under the upperhand
And go mad for a couple grams
And we don't want to go outside tonight
And in a pipe we fly to the Motherland
Or sell love to another man
It's too cold outside

For angels to fly
Angels to fly
To fly, fly
Angels to fly,
To fly, to fly
For angels to die

Me: "thaanks zayn! I'm feel better now.."
Zayn: "you're welcome carr (: "
Me: "hmm,why you still awake? Its already midnight right?"
Zayn: "yeah, I don't know. I saw you went out in afternoon. And then, I asked Natalie. And Natalie said you went home and you'll be back here again. But I didn't find you. So, I went here. I saw you in the middle hotel's park you're sobbing. So, I'm here to make you better (: "
Me: "thank youu zayn. What makes you worried about me?"
Zayn: "I don't know.. I.. I.. I just.. Hmm forget it"
Me: "hmm, let's back to the room. I think you should take ɑ rest for tomorrow. Were gonna go to Bali for next photoshoot. Don't worry, we will go to there with my daddy's private plane. And I'm going to make whole moments that you'll never forget about Indonesia (: "
Zayn: "thankyouu caroll, but for me, wasting time with you, is the one of my favorite moments"
Me: "no zayn. Fast or slow, you'll forget about me. Because there's ɑ lot of Directioners, so you'll forget about me. But, I will make you remember how Indonesia's deserve you by his tourism. Even you will forget abouut me"
Zayn: "no, I will remember you. I won't forget you. Just so you know,try to forget someone who makes your day with rainbow is ɑ half life"
Me: "no, I'm not meaning for your life"
Zayn: "shhh, you're so meanfull for me"
Me: "as your sister?"
Zayn: "......................................................... Hmm, let's take ɑ rest (: good night have ɑ nice dream"
-skip ampe kamar-
Gue ddapet bbm. Siapa yah yg bbm malem2?
Zayn Malik: good night, have ɑ nice dream. Big girl don't cry! Love you xx
Carolline Joseph: good night too. Huhh?love you?hahaha what ɑ bullshit-_-
Zayn Malik: hmm, up to you..
Carolline Joseph: how you got my pin?
Zayn Malik: adadeehh, it's my trick!!
Carolline Joseph: c'mon zayn.. That's not funny at all !-_- cepett, kepo nicc kepoo
Zayn Malik: okayy, gotta go to my dream to find you on my dream yea. Good night! So sleepy!
Carolline Joseph: not faaaiirrrr!!
Zayn Malik: good night! (: xx
-skip besok-
Me: "daddy, aku izin mau ke Bali ama the boys ama Nat.. Boleh engga?"
Dady: "ohh my pleasure deaarr! Jangan macem2 yahh disana. Jangan nakal nakaaall! Jagain the boys yah! Daddy titip semuanya ke kamu!"
Me: "wookayy daddy!"
Daddy: "mau berangkat jam berapa? Biar daddy siapin pilot nya ama check machine nya.."
Me: "11 daadd. Masih ada 2 jam lagi buat siap siap nihh~"
Daddy: "okeylahh"

-skip balik ke kamar-
Me: "Nat, kita bakalan ke Bali.. Prepare gihh.. Gue mau ngabarin yang lain.."
Nat: "okee carr,lo juga yahh.. Jgn terlalu sibuk buat ngurusin mereka doang.. Lo juga yah.."
Me: "tenang ajaa nat ;D"
Nat: "okee, gue mau nyiapin dulu barang2 buat kesna ama mandi yahh"
Me: "okee,gue kekamar the boys dulu yahh"
Nat: "okeeh"

-skip sampe kamar lou-niall-liam-
Me: "Heyy boys.. Wake up.. We will going to Bali"
Liam: "heeeyy! Good morning Carolline!! Ayee!! I'm so happy!! Yea"
Lou: "ohh yea, I'm woke up caaarr~ *masih ngulet ama merem"
Me: "lou.. C'mon wake up.. We will headed to airport at 11.00.. "
Lou: "okayy I'm wake darl.."
Me: "hh niall susah deh nihh kalo dibangunin-_- gimana yahh?"
Liam: "treakin ajee carrr"
Me: "haduuhh kebo bangett"
Lou: "okee, liat gue yahh semua.. "
*semua mata tertuju kepada lou yea*
Niall: "*langsung buka mata,tegap,siap,kaget,muka seger* HUHH?? WHERE IS IT!??? AAHH MY NANDOOOSS!!"
Me: "akhirnya bangun juga.."
Liam: "makan dulu sana, mie nandos spesial.." #BOOM
*diluar naskah* *back to story*
Me: "c'mon irish boy.. We're heading to airport 2 hours to go.. We will going to Bali.."
Niall: "what is Bali?"
Me: "like island in Indonesia. We'll make photoshoot in bali,and we also having holiday for ɑ 4 days left before you concert and then going back to UK. I will make you proud of Indonesia. Indonesia will deserve us by their tourism. I need 4 days to make us always remember about Indonesia,even you all will forget about me.. Okayy then, prepare now.."
Liam: "nooooo! I will not forget about you darling.. You just like my lil sista.."
Lou: "yeahh that's right! I will remember you, nat,and indonesia carr.. Included your daddy carr.."
Niall: "hmm that's right! You're so kind to us carrr.. We love you carr.."
Me: "thankyouu nialler,daddy payne and loouuii! Okayy, prepare now! I gotta go to zarry's room.."
Me: "hee?apaan tuh titi dj?"
Lou: "ha(t)(i) - ha(t)(i) (d)i (j)alan
Me: "astagaa ini bule kok gaul amatt.. Okedeeh. Emang ada apa disana?"
Loui: "*mangap mau ngomong*"
Niall: "*nginjek kaki lou* nothiingg! Bye carrr! We have to prepare now!
Niall: "heheheh cuma ngerjain si caroll doang kook sekali2~"
Liam: "iseng bangettsiih,kasian dia wanita.." OMG DADDY!! BAHASANYA EEYY!!
-skip kamar zarry-
Me: "*buka pintu* heyy zayn,harry wake up.. We will heading to Bali 2 hours left!! *masih di lorong deket pintu kamar hotel. Belom sampe tempat tidurnya* Heyy wake up bo-- AAAAAAAAAA*treak lgsg lari kebelakang,eh nabrak zayn*"
Me: "*gue nengok belakang treak lagi* WHOOAA!!"
Zayn: "heyy, dear, don't be afraid, it's me zayn.. *langsung meluk gue supaya gue ga liat harry naked*"
Me: "*meluk zayn supaya galiat harry naked* omg zayn!!"
Harry: "apaansih zayn.. Gue masih ngantuk tau.."
Harry: "iyaiyaa gue pake. Lagi siapa suruh sih dia kekamar kita gabilang2?"
Zayn: "cepeet pake!!"
Harry: "okayy,already done dude.."
Zayn: "okayy babe, it's already fine.."
Me: "thankyou zayn.. *ngelepas pelukannya*"
Harry: "mau ngapain sihh?photoshoot siang kan?ngantuk nih mau tidur lagi!"
Me: "NOOOOO!!!!! Cepetaann banguun! Mandi! Trs breakfast! Kita bakalan ke airport jam 11 nanti. Kita bakalan ke Bali buat next photoshoot. Sekalian liburan kalian. Gue mau kalian tuh inget ama Indonesia,apa yg indonesia kasih buat kalian. Meskipun kalian itu udh engga inget ama gue lagi"
Harry: "yeah"
Me: "okayy then, let's prepare.. I gotta go to my room"
-skip sampe restaurant,pada ngumpul gthh-
Nat: "*dtg sm caroll* hello boys.."
Me: "heyy"
All: "*laugh together*"
Niall: "heyy, sudah yuk ketawanya.. Aku laper nihh.. Makanannya mana?"
Me: "ohh iya iya,bentar yah"
-skip makanan dateng-
Niall: "AYOO MAKAN!!"
Liam: "niall.. Makannya pelan pelan sedikit napa.."
Niall: "*nyam* engga *nyam* bisa *daddy *nyam* ini *nyam* enak *nyam* banget *nyam* aku *nyam* kelaperan *nyam* SEWWLAWMMADT MAQHHAN!! *nyam*
All: "*laughing toghether*"
-skip selesai makan-
Okee kita sampe di halim. Karena kita naik pesawat pribadi bokap gue. Oke,langsung jalan ketempat boarding aja yukk
Lou: "ehh carr, kok kita naik pesawat pribadi?"
Me: "iyaa, soalnya daddy gamau kalian keganggu gituhh, maaf yahh,bukannya daddy aku mau ngejauhin kalian dari fans.. *sambil nunduk*"
Zayn: "hey gapapa carr, no problem.."
Nat: "udah yuuk,langsung ajaa, jadi kita lebih punya waktu agak lebih lama di Bali.."
Liam: "let's go lads!"
Harry: "naattt! Aku satu seat sama kamu yaaa heheheh"
Nat: "okayy, it's not big deal harrr (;"
Zayn: "carr.. Aku boleh satu seat sama kamu engga?"
Me: "ohh iya boleh"

thanks for reading! kritik dan saran ditunggu banget yaaa, langsung aja mention ke @hey1DIndo yaaa! aku butuh kritik dan saran dari kalian supaya bisa merubah kelebih baik lagii, soalnya aku pemulaa ehehhe. maaf yaaa kalo jelek ehehhehe :* maaf kalo ada yang typo!

big love,
mimin Malik's/mimin ZS. terserah kalian mau manggil yang mana :* <3

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