Harry Styles #Imagine Story -Part 75


“Do you guys wanna come ?” I asked the boys
“Nah, im alright im gonna catch with some sleep, I didn’t get home till around 4 this morning” Louis said leaning back and shutting his eyes

“Why not ?” Liam said standing and going to grab his jacket from his room
“I'll come to” Niall said

“Zayn ?” (YN) asked
“Nah im alright, I was up all night, il stay back” he said standing and walking back into his room

(YN) went and grabbed her jacket while I grabbed my phone and wallet.

Walking out into the foyer with Liam and Niall we made our way down into the carpark and got into the car, driving in the direction of the mall…
When we got there, we walked inside there were thousands of people. But we just asked them to back off and leave us alone since it was our day off, thankfully they did.

Walking through the mall, we stopped at a shop where we went in and started looking at some shoes.

As we walked around the store I couldn't help but notice that (YN) was upset but everytime I asked her if she was okay she would just smile and nod. I knew she was lying. I also know she wasn't sick last night. Something happened and I am determined to find out what it was.


I dont know why this whole Zayn thing was bugging me. I mean, he apologized and I forgave him. So why am I still thinking about it? I couldnt feel the same way could I? No, thats stupid. I mean I love Harry! Right? ugh, stupid Zayn and his stupid feelings that are messing with mine. And why does Harry keep asking if Im okay? IM FINE!

Half the day had already passed and we were now heading back to the suite. Im surprised we made it out of the mall alive. They're were so many people. We were now in Liam's car and boy was it quiet. I swear I could hear Niall's digestive system! Once I saw the hotel I got out of the car and went straight to the suite. But once I opened the door I saw a half-naked Zayn standing there. Well, this couldn't get any worse. I mean, why would he stand in front of the door looking like a sex god? Oh. My. God. I did NOT just think that! Its official, Im crazy.

He looked up at me and smirked which caused my insides to clench up. What is he doing to me and where is Harry? And just at that moment Harry, Niall and Liam walked in breaking the awkward tension I felt.

"Zayn, put your top on!" Niall said teasingly. Liam and Harry just laughed as this was casual.

"Okay,okay. I got it." Zayn replied before putting his top on.
"Where is Louis?" Liam asked.
"Sleeping, of course" Zayn answered.
"Louis sleeping. Thats asurprise." Harry said with humour in his voice.

I couldn't help but just feel so awkward around Zayn AND Harry.

"Well, Im just gonna freshen up" I said smiling weakly then walking off into the bedroom.

Once I was in the room I closed the door behind me and just sat on the bed. For some reason I just felt drained. So I then lay down and before I knew it I was asleep.

*Zayn's POV*

When I saw her walk in I couldn't help but smile. Especially since here eyes went down my body. I wonder if she has any feeling whatsoever towards me. How can I think about this? She is one of my best friends girlfriends. But once she walked away I knew something was up and I instantly felt the need to know what it was. After about 20 minutes of thinking about whether or not I should check on her I decided I should. I then excused myself making sure no one suspected what I was about to do. Luckily none of the boys did. But as I walked away I could feel Niall's eyes watching me. I shook the feeling off and carried on walking towards the bedroom. I knocked lightly but heard no reply so I opened the door a little but saw she was sleeping. I instantly felt a smile. She just looked so beautiful and peaceful. She really was gorgeous but she was with Harry. So I sighed, closed the door lightly and turned around to see Niall right there.

"AH! Niall, what the hell are you doing?" I asked freaked out.
"No, what are YOU doing?" Niall replied eyeing me skeptically.
"I was uh just uh checking if the door worked. Mhm, it didnt before." I said laughing a bit too nervously because Niall did not believe it at all.
"Seriously Zayn, what exactly do you plan to do with this whole (YN) thing!" Niall whispered angrily trying his best not to yell at me.
"I dont know! I just wanted to check on her. She looked down!" I replied in the same tone as Niall.
"Then you tell Harry, (YN) is HIS girlfriend Zayn."

And with that I walked away not wanting to hear anything else Niall had to say. He was really pissing me off now so I walked to my room, closed the door and locking it in the process and lay on my bed just thinking. I knew Niall was right but I just couldn't help it...

End of Part 75.
Tweet me for Part 76.
Love you (;

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