Harry Styles #Imagine Story - Part 76



She really was gorgeous but she was with Harry. So I sighed, closed the door lightly and turned around to see Niall right there.

"AH! Niall, what the hell are you doing?" I asked freaked out.
"No, what are YOU doing?" Niall replied eyeing me skeptically.
"I was uh just uh checking if the door worked. Mhm, it didnt before." I said laughing a bit too nervously because Niall did not believe it at all.
"Seriously Zayn, what exactly do you plan to do with this whole (YN) thing!" Niall whispered angrily trying his best not to yell at me.
"I dont know! I just wanted to check on her. She looked down!" I replied in the same tone as Niall.
"Then you tell Harry, (YN) is HIS girlfriend Zayn."

And with that I rolled my eyes and walked away not wanting to hear anything else Niall had to say. He was really pissing me off now so I walked to my room, closed the door and locking it in the process and lay on my bed just thinking. I knew Niall was right but I just couldn't help it.

*Harry's POV*

It was now 8 pm and we were hungry. So the boys and I decided to go out and eat. It was just Niall, Liam, Louis and I because (YN) and Zayn were asleep back at the suite. I didnt know (YN) was so tired. Maybe she was sick. I dont know. We had now arrived at the restaurant and I could see Niall was nervous. We all could.

"Whats wrong Niall?" Liam asked.
"Uh Nothing, why would something be wrong?" Niall asked nervously.
"Were not stupid Niall." Louis said.
"Yeah. tell us." I added.
Niall sighed and replied "Its nothing." He then looked down. We all just shrugged and carried on with dinner.

*Your POV*

I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in and saw on the bright alarm clock that it was 9:42 pm. So I got up, fixed myself and went to get a glass of milk. When I walked into the kitchen I saw no one around. Where was everyone? So I looked around and saw a note attached to the fridge.

"Gone out for dinner. Didn't want to wake you and Zayn up. I'll bring you some back.

Love Harry :)"

I smiled at Harry's handwriting and how cute he was but then my smile faded when I read "You and Zayn" Oh no. Zayn and I are alone. Well, this just got worse. Once I turned around Zayn was standing at the entrance of the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, Zayn. Hi." I said nervously.
"Oh, uh Hey." He replied with a small smile.
"the boys have gone out for dinner” I said turning back to the fridge and closing the door.

Before he could say anything else I walked past him, bumping his bare shoulder gently as I made my way outside onto the balcony. Sitting down out there I looked over the edge and down at the city below us. I was missing home. I felt my eyes fill with tears as I slid my hand across the cool metal barrier of the balcony.

Letting one tear slide down my cheek, I sniffed quietly just as Zayn walked past the door.
“hey, are you ok ?” he asked looking concerned.
“yeah, yeah im fine” you replied quickly wiping your eyes so he wouldn’t see your crying. He stepped out onto the balcony and looked at you, you turned so he couldn’t see your face.

Putting his hand on your shoulder he turned you around so you were facing him. Looking you in the eyes he saw your tears…
“hey, whats wrong ?” he asked hugging you - his strong arms going around your body and pulling you closer. You just collapsed, tears rolling down your face going on about how you missed you family so much back home. You wiped your tears off his shoulder with your sleeve.

“that’s ok, I miss home too” he said giving you a small smile
You couldn’t believe how nice he was being to you…
After being such a bitch towards him today…

Just then you heard the boys in the lounge and you quickly pulled away from Zayn, wiping your eyes and straightening your hair.
“babe your awake” Harry said smiling and hugging me.
“hey” you said quietly kissing him back as he leaned in.


Niall gave me a look from across the room, he walked over to me leading me into the hallway and shutting the door behind him looked me in the eyes.
“what did you do ?” he asked
“I did nothing” I said
“you better not have done anything Zayn, you have to remember that those two love each other unconditionally ok” he said looking me in the eye.

“yeah, yeah I understand” I said turning away and walking to my room, I heard Niall sigh as I sat on my bed “you know it’s the right thing to do Zayn” Niall called before walking back out into the kitchen.


That night as (YN) got ready for bed, I went into the bathroom and put my arms around her waist from behind “whats up buttercup ?” I asked kissing her shoulder.
She let out a small giggle and looked at me through the mirror.

“nothing” she said sighing
“babe, im not stupid. I know something’s wrong, you can tell me” I said smiling
“im just missing home, drama and stuff I think lifes just getting to me.” She said leaning back on me.

“haha I understand, life gets to me all the time” I said smirking and kissing her neck.
She mumbled something that I couldn’t understand and turned to kiss me gently, letting her hands run up my arms and around my neck. I could feel her smiling behind the kiss as I led her back to bed still kissing and layed her back on the bed…

End of Part 76
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