UPDATED: UK-release Trespassing CD Gifting Campaign: We've been asked by a number of fans if we would consider starting a cd gifting campaign to help bolster UK sales numbers for Adam's sophomore release. We've decided to put a plan in action. If you would like to donate to help us gift the UK release of Trespassing, please see the "Donate to Trespassing Gifting Campaign" section at: http://www.adamlambertuk.com (right-hand column; under "Who's online" box). (To give you an idea of the price for Trespassing in the UK, a list of on-line outlets is included on our homepage).

Please know that ALL funds received will be used for the purchase/shipping of the cd. We plan to buy the cds from a variety of outlets, both online and retail stores, to ensure that the purchases do indeed count towards the overall sales figures.

At the end of the campaign, we will report the total number of cds gifted.

As always, we appreciate your continued support and thank you for trusting us with this initiative. xx

Please help us spread the word by RTing!

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