Yesterday, Texas governor Perry delivered a speech on inaugural Houston Stem Cell Summit. He was a KEYNOTE SPEAKER! Politician - a keynote speaker on scientific conference. How is it possible folks? To me, it was incredibly boring speech. First 3 minutes was enough to understand what he is going to talk about in the next 20. Texas is the best! Best scientists, best medicine, best environment, best support, bla, bla, bla. Well, what else would we expect from politician on stem cell meeting?
You can see his talk here -

Later he gave a comment about FDA pressure on CellTex corp. You can read it here -
He disagrees with FDA! F@$#K the FDA! We're Texans!
He also commented on support of embryonic stem cell research in California by CIRM:
"California, for instance, made the decision to focus on embryonic stem cells. We don't agree with that in Texas on moral grounds and, frankly, on scientific grounds."

So, basically he called to halt embyonic stem cell research (it's so amoral!) and push forward adult SC. But, in his speech he noticed that Texas is providing a lot of freedom for researchers and business. Isn't it contradiction? Where the hek is freedom?

All his comments indicate that he is deeply religious person. But more of that, he is proposing to make Texas as "regenerative medicine paradise", based on his religious views. Needless to say that religion doesn't go along with science. I personally have zero trust to the politician who play "religion card".

He called business developers come to Texas and become billionaires: "Come on in! The water is fine!".

But the most ridiculous thing in his speech to me was the famous American verbal tic "God bless you and god bless a great state of Texas!" WTF? It made me nauseous. So, aren't all the other 49 states blessed? They are screwed, according to Perry. Well, George Carlin said everything (I'm with him!) about this verbal American tic:

Finally, I'd like to say, that high degree of contamitaion of stem cell culture by politics and religion, indicate to regress and degradation. If Perry's plan will succeed, instead of "approved by FDA" we will see "approved by Jesus"!

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