
Tanty · @katantyra

28th Oct 2012 from Twitlonger

A Zayn love story #ZLS
"Truly, Madly, Deeply" #Part8
Part VIII -Days in London-

Written by: Admin Tanty (@katantyra)

Have a good reading!:-)


"Because the stars shine brightly up on the night's sky tonight. And I'm wondering if I've ever found a brighter star, then you came and all I see is you (Zayn)

We called it Bradford, Nares called it 'unknown'

"Honestly Bun, is it an endless journey or something?" tanya Nares dalam keadaan setengah sadar sisa tidurnya
"Oh honey, come on, this isn't going to be farther again, trust me"
"Okay, fine"
"And here it comes, Malik's house!" pamer ayah Nares bangga
"Wait, whose house? Malik's? Malik who?"
"Tricia Malik"
"Umm, you can't say it's your friend whose son is Zayn.."
"Ooh did we forget to tell you that?"
"Buuuun, do not joke, kay, it's not a good time for that"
"Hahaha yeah she is, it's Zayn's house"
"Thought Zayn lives in London"
"He does, but he came here to get Safaa home"
"Gotcha! Forgot that one"-_-
"Hi, Anetta!" sahut sebuah suara wanita yang asing di telinganya ketika muncul seorang wanita yang umurnya tak jauh lebih tua dari mamanya dengan blouse rumahan selutut
"Hi! Hi, Tricia! How are you?" balas mamanya dengan ribut
"Never been better than when you're here, oh and hey Dmitry! How's life?" sapa Trisha pada papanya
"Hahaha I'm feeling brilliant!"
"Hahaha come on in, wait, I'm wondering who's this beautiful lady right beside me?"
"Ah, here's my daughter, Nares"
"Oh.my.God. It's Nareswari Annabeth? My ballet girl? How many years I haven't met you dear, you grew up so fast, how beautiful!"
"Thank you, aunty"
"Ah come in everyone is making barbeque at the back yard"
"Can I join?" tanya Nares dengan mata membulat
"Oh yes you have to" jawab Trisha
"Hmm anyway can I use your bathroom? I mean I'm going to change my outfit"
"Oh yes girl, you can use Waliyha's, just go up the stairs and first door on your right"
"Is it okay to just get in?"
"It's fine, but maybe you don't feel comfortable, umm honey" panggilnya ke salah seorang anak perempuannya, "would you mind go to your room and share it with this pretty girl?" tanya Tricia
"Who-- ah, is it the Anna girl Zayn told me?" tanyanya melihat Nares
"Anna?" tanya Tricia bingung
"Yeah, you're Anna, right?"
"Uh, yes, he called me Anna, actually everyone calls me Nares"
"I got that, I'm Waliyha by the way. so, shall we?" ajak Doniya, "well here's my room" ucap Doniya sambil menunjukkan kamarnya yang berwarna biru pucat bercampur dengan furniture berwarna putih keabu-abuan
"It's good, I like it being here"
"Ahh thanks, anyway there you go the bathroom"
"Well then, I'm going to take a bath, can I put my bag here?"
"Yes you can, anyway can I leave you now?"
"Take it as your room, see you downstairs"

Air dingin mengucur deras melalui sebuah shower yang tergantung di dinding kamar mandi, membasahi setiap sela rambut Nares yang panjang, seperti sejuknya air sungai di anak-anak sungai di hulu. Membasahi setiap inci badan Nares yang semampai, seperti sejuknya air hujan di tanah retak di padang rumput. Memberikan kehangatan yang menyejukkan, seperti keluarga yang berkumpul di dekat perapian di ruang tengah. Memberikan kesejukkan yang menghangatkan, seperti berpelukan bersama kakaknya di tengah dinginnya padang es di kutub selatan.

Setelah mandi Nares segera bergegas keluar dan mengeringkan rambutnya dengan handuk. Memakaikan floral dress berwarna kehijauan pada tubuh cantiknya, dengan lengan 3/4nya yang berakhir di setengah pahanya, menampilkan kakinya yang jenjang dan betapa indah tubuhnya. Rambutnya yang masih setengah basah ia biarkan tergerai dari bahu sampai punggungnya. Segera ia bergegas untuk memoleskan bedak MAC tipis di kulit wajahnya yang seputih porselen dan lip gloss soda pink ZA di bibirnya yang tipis kemerahan. Dan mengambil sepasang flip flop Forever 21 kesayangannya berwarna lime green yang membuat kakinya semakin bersih sebelum akhirnya turun ke halaman belakang keluarga Malik yang luas.
"Hello beautiful!" sahut sebuah suara yang tak asing
"Hey, Safaa!" sahutnya ketika melihat pemilik suara tersebut
"You know you look beautiful on your dress"
"Thank you, anyway you look good wearing that hot pants, wear 'em a lot!haha"
"Haha I know I am, anyway come here let you know my sister"
"This is Doniya and this one's, as you know, Waliyha"
"Hey, I'm Nares" ucap Nares ramah
"So it's Anna or Nares?" tanya Doniya
"She's Nares actually, but Zayn call her Anna just because he sounds it weird" terang Safaa panjang lebar
"Honestly you guys are crazy" komentar Doniya singkat yang mengundang tawa yang lainnya
"Anyway Nares, would you mind helping me with this?" tanya Waliyha sambil memegang beberapa tusuk daging dan paprika yang sedang diolesi bumbu
"Uh, sure, gimme that" jawab Nares ringan sambil mulai mengolesi daging dan paprika yang sudah ditusuk sementara Doniya menyusunnya di atas grill pan sedangkan Safaa menyusun daging dan paprika yang sudah matang di piring panjang yang baru terisi setengahnya.
Ketika sedang asyik mengoleskan bumbu, tiba-tiba ada dua tangan besar yang menutup kedua matanya.
"oh my God, whose hands are these?" tanya Nares sambil meraba tangan yang menutup matanya, tapi hanya tawa Doniya, Waliyha dan Safaa yang terdengar, "well it must be a boy, 'cause I don't think it's girl's. But who are you?" tanyanya frustasi karena tak bisa mengoleskan bumbu, "stop it whoever is this!" tapi tak kunjung membuahkan hasil kecuali tawa yang semakin terdengar, "clueless. Gimme a clue"
"Dimples.." sahut Safaa
"Haz, seriously, are you? This isn't funny, c'mon!" ucapnya
"You're right it's me Harry Styles!" ucapnya setelah melepas tangannya di kedua mata Nares
"Have I told you that your joke isn't funny, they're lame you know" sahut Nares dengan muka datar
"Really? But you know what, they laugh, A LOT!" komentar Harry santai sambil menunjuk 3 gadis lainnya, yang semakin mengundang tawa mereka
"Ugh whatever" jawab Nares sambil memutar bola matanya dan melanjutkan mengoles bumbunya
"Anyway dear, where do you live?" tanya Doniya ketika Harry sudah berlalu ke tempat yang lainnya
"I live in Jakarta, it's in Indonesia"
"So you're having a holiday here?"
"Actually I joined a traditional dance club there and now we're having some shows in Aussie and Netherlands, but before going to Netherlands I'll be staying here for a while"
"I see, what do you do? I mean, are you a real dancer yet?"
"Uh no, I just have graduated from high school this June and I'm waiting a chance for an audition in Juilliard in October"
"Wow! Good luck for you! We know you're gonna make it"
"I hope so, because I'm still 16, but the condition must be 18..." jawabnya lemah sambil menghembuskan nafas panjang
"I'm sorry, but what do Dmitry and Anetta do?"
"My dad is an Indonesian embassy for US"
"Wow... That's huge!"
"So, are they something like being rarely at home?"
"They're not being in home the whole year, but they come home a lot"
"Missing them a lot?"
"Quite missing them a lot, but I'm taking it easily, they're still home like lots, but I do sometimes"
"And we're gonna miss Zayn a lot, we're starting to.."
"Anyway do you have any brother or sister maybe?"
"An old brother, 3 years away almost 4, Royal Academy the 3rd year...and yeah, full scholarship"
"You're not gonna say he's Alva, aren't you?" tanya Waliyha yang membuat semua mata tertuju padanya
"Alva? Alva who?" tanya Doniya
"Alvazil Kromowiryo, the only student who got full scholarship on his first to last year, he's a real great pianist, he's Asian, 3rd year in Royal Academy now. He's a freaking handsome and gorgeous in face, amazing in hands, and oh God do I really have to say that his abs is as hot as hell!"
"Honestly, is he famous or something here? Cause I don't know who he is" lanjut Doniya
"He likes to cover some famous musician in youtube, such as Maroon 5 and James Blunt, and ooh he got an angelic voice. And he has a band here, indie band, not so famous, but their songs are quite catchy! So people quite know about him"
"He's my brother you know.."
"Brilliant, life's full of people we all know each one of all" sahut Doniya gemas
"Hahaha anyway can any of you handle this? 'Cause I'm going to take a glass of any drink"
"Oh just let it, we'll take care, anyway can I have one?"
"It's fine, I'll be back" sahut Nares sambil berjalan menuju meja tempat minuman berwarna-warni diletakkan
Ketika ia sudah mengambil 2 gelas minuman, belum sempat ia beranjak dari tempatnya terasa desah nafas hangat di tengkuk lehernya yang tak tertutup rambut seluruhnya dan seketika dunia gelap ketika sudah ada 2 tangan yang menutup matanya,
"Haz, this is not funny. Seriously, put off your hands!" tapi hanya ada riuh rendah orang-orang di sekitar dan musik jazz dari speaker di pojok-pojok halaman yang terdengar, "should I tell you twice that this is soooo lame? Come on, I should do the barbeque right there" tetap tak terdengar suara orang itu, "kay, stop it whoever the hell it is" sahut Nares sambil meletakkan gelasnya dan mulai memegang tangan tersebut, "uh no, it's not Harry's" gumamnya pelan tapi tetap terdengar. Tapi ketika Nares memegang tangan tersebut, yang terjadi adalah tangan tersebut berbalik menggengam tangan Nares dan mendekatkan punggung Nares ke badan orang tersebut. Masih dengan matanya yang tertutup terdengar suara seksi yang menggelitik telinganya dengan desah nafas yang hangat,
"How fast you forgot my hands.."
"Zayn! Why the hell are you doing that to me?!" sahutnya panik ketika ia telah berbalik melihat siapa pelakunya
"Hahaha nothing, how could you end up here?" tanya Zayn sambil membawa 2 gelas lagi dan berjalan bersama Nares
"My mom is your mom's friend, so when she got here she wanted to get here, story ends, book closed."
"I see... Uh, hello sissy!" sapanya pada 3 gadis lainnya yang sedang memanggang barbeque
"Hey, what did you do to her? Why is she taking forever to take drink?" tanya Doniya pada Zayn sambil mengambil 1 gelas di tangan Zayn dengan kasar
"Trust me when I said I did nothing" jawabnya sambil pergi meninggalkan yang lainnya
"Anyway dear, we're done. Have a seat maybe?"
"Oh right, maybe later"
"Well then, thank you for helping us and enjoy the little party!"
"Thanks, you guys too" balasnya ramah sebelum mencari sebuah bangku panjang di salah satu pojok halaman

Nares duduk di salah satu bangku panjang dengan satu gelas di tangannya, sesekali mencoba menggosokkan kedua tangannya yang mulai kedinginan. Ketika ia mendongak menatap langit biru legam yang bertabur gemerlap bintang, yang berkelap-kelip silver menampilkan pemandangan kontras dengan yang biasa ia temui di negara asalnya. Sesekali berharap bahwa Jakarta masih terlihat seindah ini. Bradford memang bukan kota yang begitu besar, di dalamnya masih banyak beberapa pedesaan dan farmland, sehingga masih cukup asri.
"Hey" sahut sebuah suara yang ia kenal dengan baik
"Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing, what are you looking at?"
"The sky's beautiful"
"Do you really, really love the night's sky? The Sydney's, Bradford's where's else?"
"Aha, not really, but I enjoy the shining stars though. They look pretty, they're small but they're shining brightly" terang Nares
"Yeah, they are, anyway how's your brother?"
"He's good, pretty good to be left again"
"How about your show?"
"They're delayed, maybe I'll stay longer here"
"Nothing, anyhow aren't you getting hungry or something? Let's grab some food!"
"Umm, kay, come on"
"So, which one do you like?"
"Umm, I think I'm having cakes, hmm yummy!" jawab Nares sambil mengambil beberapa potong kue black forrest, tiramissu dan cheese cake
"Why don't you have the barbeque?"
"Uh no, I don't think I'm having that"
"Umm, this is great, you have to try this, umm yummy!" sahut Zayn sambil menggigit beberapa tusuk sate barbeque
"Uh, Zayn, I guess you're a lil' bit too much.."
"Try this!" ucap Zayn sambil menyuapkan setusuk daging barbeque
"Uh, no, I don't really like those meat"
"Are you sure? this is delicious, come on"
"You sure will regret this if you don't try, come on just one bite"
"Are you sure?" tanya Zayn dengan lirikan mata menggoda dan tangan yang seakan-akan menerbangkan makanannya
"Okay, just a tiny piece"
"One bite"
"Kay" jawab Nares sambil menggigit sepotong daging barbeque yang disuap Zayn, "umm you're right, zhis ih hood" komentar Nares sambil mengunyah makanannya
"Yeah, I'm great at it right, come on let's find seats"
"Anyway Ann, you've got dirt on your lips"
"Here" jawab Zayn sambil mengelap noda saus barbeque di bibir Nares dengan tissue
"Thank you"
"You're welcome"
"Honey!" panggil sebuah suara dari belakang
"Bun? What's up?"
"Let's get back to London, and Zayn I'm sorry but you guys have to get back to London too"
"Alright Mrs. K, we'll get there soon"
"Wait, what? Mrs. what?"
"Mrs. K, that stands for your last name which is hard for me to say" terang Zayn
"Right hurry up you guys, waiting for you rightaway, don't be too long kay?"
"Right bun.. So Zayn, that's ridiculous about calling my mom Mrs. K-_- but guess I'll be preparing my bag first, so see you outside there"
"Okay, have a good packing time!"
"Yeah, you too" jawab Nares sambil berjalan meninggalkan Zayn yang masih duduk di bangku panjang di sisi taman
"So, you fell for her already?" tanya Doniya
"I don't know, I can't say I do"
"Why? Even the blind would tell you that you fall for her, so badly"
"I can't be with her. She's too, what should I call her, perfect for me? Yeah guess she's too perfect for me"
"Nobody's too perfect, if you fall for her, get her. If you don't, don't make her feel like if you do"
"I said I don't know. I don't make her feel like if you do, but what if I do and she don't?"
"Honestly, since when you're becoming a fool, uh you're coward! Come on baby boy, wake up! You know you're not that fool,"
"Thanks baby sweet, gotta back to London tonight"
"Yeah, take care okay, ooh I'm gonna miss you" sahut Doniya sambil memeluk Zayn
"Yeah and I'm gonna miss my love advisor, and my sweet sister, take care of everyone's here, I'm gonna miss you guys here"


Langit gelap malam Britania memaksa Nares untuk memejamkan matanya sesekali duakali dalam perjalanannya menuju London.
"Dad?" sapanya
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
Bunda Nares masih terlelap, setidaknya begitulah yang Nares ketahui, walau sebenarnya bundanya masih mendengar setiap inci hembusan nafas yang beradu dengan detik jarum
"Kenapa dad gak pake supir aja sih? I mean you have enough money to hire a driver, why do you still driving this late alone? You're gonna have a quite long journey tomorrow"
"I just love driving, and I can still do this anyway. And about the journey, I'll be just sitting quite during the flight."
"Well I can say nothing then. Dad..."
"What if I fail on my Juliard audition?"
"Sweetheart," kali ini bunda Nares yang angkat bicara "do not worry anything, if you're not accepted then you're not good enough. You don't have to give up, but sometimes do not try to fit in if you were born to be stand out"
"I know, but sometimes I thought if I fail then you won't be proud of me, then I won't make you proud as Mas Ajil does all the time, then I'll make you disappointed, then---"
"Sweetheart, listen to me," ucap bundanya sambil melihat ke kursi belakang dan menggenggam tangan Nares, "even if you fail, I'll be the one who stand by you. Don't you ever see, that I'm so proud of a little girl who always survive alone without the help of her parents, without the help of her only brother, but still she does everything she can to make everyone proud of her? She keeps on her rehearsal just to make the world see that she got talent in herself, honey, whoever you are, you're such blessings to me. And I can't be any proud then I am now"
"Thanks Bun, you're my angel, this is the saddest part of not always having you" ucap Nares sambil berderai air mata


"Take care, Bun, I love you" ucap Nares sambil memeluk erat bundanya
"Thanks honey, you too, and I love you more" balas bundanya sambil mencium kedua pipinya
"Bye Dad, I'm gonna miss you"
"Yeah me too, gonna miss my pretty little girl, don't be a bad girl okay?"
"Dad, come on.."
"And Zayn, please take care my baby, guard her with your life"
"Of course I will, sir"
"Yeah we know that well. Well honey, we gotta go, love ya" ucap ayah Nares terakhir kali sambil mengecup pelan puncak kepala Nares dan berjalan menjauh
"Zayn," panggil Nares sambil berjalan masuk ke mobil Zayn yang terparkir di hanggar bandara
"What if I feel dying inside everytime my dad and my mom go somewhere out else?"
"It's natural. But umm what about we forget that a little while?"
"Should've been forgetting this like years, it happens all the time"
"Well lemme take you somewhere"
"Where are we going?"
"Let see if it's worth to be surprise"


HELLA GUYS! it's me again :) how do you like it? tell me what you think, it means a lot to me! thanks for reading and always staying tune, hope you guys love this part! simply send your feedbacks to @katantyra. see you next week! #muchlove :-)


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