
Tanty · @katantyra

24th Nov 2012 from Twitlonger

A Zayn love story #ZLS
"Truly, Madly, Deeply" #Part12
Part XII -Let the Party Begins-

Written by: Admin Tanty (@katantyra)

Have a good reading!:-)


"There's always that one person, that when you look into her eyes, all you see is your future in it. Because her black eyes help me better to see my future with her." (Zayn)


The Perseus of Andromeda Restaurant

The Perseus of Andromeda, sebuah restauran bergaya Yunani kuno di pusat kota London. Dengan pilar-
pilar yang kokoh berdiri, di belakangnya berdiri dengan megah pemandangan kota London yang penuh
dengan tata kotanya yang indah dan gemerlap lampu dari kejauhan London's eye yang tegar. Lampu-
lampu berwarna kemerahan yang tertempel di pilar-pilarnya yang kokoh mulai menyala, karena langit
sudah mulai menggelap. Atapnya luas ke atas, tanpa cela, karena memang restoran ini di bangun tanpa
atap. Dengan taman kecil di sekitarnya, menambah suasana Yunani kuno di tempat ini semakin kental.
Beberapa patung dewa dewi Yunani berjajar menyambut kedatangan tamu-tamu restoran ini, terutama
figur Perseus dan istrinya Andromeda yang berdiri paling tegar diantara yang lainnya, termasuk
diantaranya Nares dan Zayn.
"We're here, my lady" ucap Zayn gagah ala bangsawan Inggris kepada Nares
"Ooh my love, we're here? O beautiful sky, how bright thee smile to me ahaha" jawab Nares tak kalah
dengan aksen British dan sastra Inggris kuno
"Ahahaha I never knew you could speak like that" komentar Zayn sambil menutup pintu mobilnya dan
menekan tombol bergambar gembok yang terkunci
"Well everybody can, can't them?"
"Maybe.." jawab Zayn cuek sambil menyodorkan tangan kirinya, "for tonight?" tanyanya sambil
menengok ke Nares
"Body, arms, legs, I'm yours" jawab Nares sambil menggamit lengan kiri Zayn dan berjalan masuk ke
dalam restoran.

"Whoa! Now our man has turned into a beautiful man, guess he did! Hey man!" sambut Harry yang
sedang mengambil cocktail ketika melihat kedua orang yang ia kenal datang memasuki restoran
"Hey, Harry!" sapa Zayn, "who else is coming already?"
"The lads? It's only me, Lou and his El, while Liam and Dan, and Niall are coming up their way here"
"Oh I see, and where's Simon? I didn't see him around"
"Uh he's over there, anyway, you haven't told me your new it girl..." ucapnya sambil memberikan lirikan
nakal pada Nares
"What? My new it---- uh, this pretty lady? She's mine tonight, don't you dare just to glare at her!" ancam
Zayn, bercanda, walau terkesan marah, tetapi ia hanya bergurau
"Whoa, easy man, I won't"
"Ahahaha I'm joking man, but she's mine actually, don't you know her?"
"What do you--- uh, Nares? This is Na--oh my God, wow, I should've known you how could I, oh my God
you've gotta think I'm an idiot aren't you?"

"Ahaha no, anyway do I look that beautiful? Ahaha" tanya Nares dengan mata berbinar
"Well man, enjoy your sweet words ahaha I'm gonna have a seat" ledek Zayn
"Yeah haha anyway you really look good, I mean you both, you guys make a good couple"
"Yeah I know, thanks!" Jawab Zayn nyolot
"You're welcome" jawab Harry setengah cemberut, "Gee, I'm stupid!"-_-

"Zayn! Hey"
"Hey, where's El?"
"She's somewhere looking for cocktail or something, with whom are you coming with?" tanya Louis
dengan senyum jahilnya pada Zayn
"Come on she's Nares"
"Nares? Anna? She's wh---what? Aww long time no see, you look so gorgeous tonight, trust me, even a
hundred more than the first time I saw your beauty for the first time"
"Well thanks, Lou. Ahaha anyway I thought you brought that lucky girl of yours?"
"Yeah I did, her name is El, anyway she's not my lucky girl... I'm his lucky man"
"Uh true, well Zayn, gotta back in a second, trying to find her out"
"Alright, I'm here by the way" jawab Zayn, tapi sebelum Nares melepaskan tangannya, tangan Zayn
sempat menarik tangan Nares dan mendekatkan telinga Nares ke bibir Zayn, "you know what? Don't you
dare get out of my sight. And one more, you look gorgeous tonight" bisik Zayn lembut, dengan desah
nafas yang menggelitik telinganya dan pandangan nakal Zayn yang terlihat sangat tidak familiar yang
meninggalkan wajah Nares yang memerah dengan peta kebingungan

Setelah beberapa menit ia berlalu, ia tak jua menemukan Eleanor, "oh shit, gue lupa gue kan emang
gatau El yang mana" akhirnya ia memutuskan untuk mengambil 2 gelas tinggi cocktail dan beberapa
potong kue, "maybe Zayn'd like to have this" pikirnya dan meletakkan beberap kue chiffon dan cheese
cake di sebuah piring kecil.
"Zayn, I couldn't find El" ucapnya sambil meletakkan bawaannya
"What? El's here already" jawab Zayn, karena El sudah tiba daritadi di meja mereka
"I beg your pardon?" tanya seorang wanita merasa namanya dipanggil, "uh, you must be that beautiful
Nares aren't you?" tanya seorang wanita cantik dalam balutan cocktail dress berwarna hitam keemasan
dalam aksen bahasa Inggris yang lembut dan ramah kepada Nares
"Yes I am, and you are...?"
"Eleanor, just call me El anyway"
"Oh, you must be Louis' girl, am I right?"
"So clever... And you are Zayn's girl right?"
"What? No.." jawab Nares agak kaget
"uh really? Thought you are his girl, 'cause he almost talk about you like 24/7"
"Really?" tanya Nares jahil sambil melirik Zayn yang mukanya sudah mulai memerah kini
"El, can we talk about something else?" potong Zayn
"Uh sure, anyway dear, what do you do?"
"Oh I just graduated from my high school last June and I'm a traditional dancer anyway, I'm having a

tour in Netherlands this month"
"And don't forget, she's not only a dancer, she's a professional one. And on waiting on the Juilliard
audition" tambah Louis
"Wow, I wish I could have been someone like you!"
"Thanks ahaha anyway what about you?"
"Ooh 2nd year, and I'm a floor model for some local boutique here"
"Really? Oh that's perfect!"
"Thanks, well I'd rather be a dancer who travels around the world actually"
"Uh come on.." Komentar Nares
"Really? 'Cause I can't be with you so long then baby" sahut Louis sambil melingkarkan sebelah
lengannya ke kursi El
"I just wish it, it doesn't mean I'm gonna be it anyway, babe" jawabnya
"Great then"
"Hey guys!" sapa Harry yang datang bersama Niall
"Hey El" sapa Niall sambil mencium kedua pipi El, "and Na........res? am I right?"
"Congratulations! You're the only know who guesses me right tonight!" jawab Nares
"Really? Wow how great I am" sahutnya sambil memeluk Nares singkat dan mencium kedua pipi Nares
"Well it's only Liam left then" sahut Harry
"Yeah, where did that one go?" Tanya Zayn
"I'm here boys!" jawab sebuah suara di pintu masuk
"Oh hey Liam!" Sapa Zayn
"Heeey, boys and El, and umm..." perkataannya terhenti, lalu ia bertanya pada Zayn dalam bentuk
artikulasi mulut tanpa suara 'who's the girl you bring?'
"Umm, honey, I guess you've got to tell everyone who you are" ucap Zayn mendekatkan kepalanya ke
kepala Nares, walau matanya mengerling jahil pada Liam
"Sure, babe, hey Liam, I actually wished you could still remember me, how bad your remember skill is!
I'm Nares by the way" ucapnya sambil berdiri dari kursinya, lalu kemudian duduk lagi
"What? You're Na----Anna? Nares? Aww how gorgeous you are!" ucap Liam kaget
"Trust me, you weren't the only who didn't recognize her. Unless she didn't come out of my flat, I won't
see her as Nares" komentar Zayn
"But Niall guessed me right, it's you guys who didn't pay attention to me!" ucapnya cemberut
"Actually, Harry told me that you look different, well yeah, you look totally different, I didn't recognize
you unless he told me before"
"Well everyone fails tonight" sahut Nares masam
"and anyway Nares, it's Dan, she's my, yeah you know, girl.." Ucap Liam
"Oh I've been wondering who's this beautiful girl you brought, finally I knew her. Hello, Dan" sapa Nares
"Aww thank you, I'm Dan, and what should I call you, I'm sorry?"
"Ooh, just call me Nares or Anna, yeah maybe that sounds better to you"

"Just call her Nares, babe, Zayn likes it better, don't you Zayn?" sahut Liam
"What?" tanya Zayn sok polos
"Admit it man, we know that so well" lanjut Niall
"Well, I love someone calls her Nares, I think that's unique and it's pretty anyway"
"Thanks Zayn, well you guys can call me Nares, then"
"Nares, as pretty as your face" ucap Danielle


The Perseus of Andromeda Restaurant

"Well boys, I don't think we got any times of any of us tonight, what about having a real party?" tanya
"A real party? Do you mean something like..." lanjut Harry sepertinya bisa membaca pikiran Louis
"Yeah,, I'm afraid so ahahaha"
"Well we got girls here it can't be any better" komentar Liam
"Uh, uh, Nares and I aren't going, kay. It's not that I don't wanna go there, I really want to, but she's not
exactly into it"
"Really? Come on Nares, just this once" bujuk Harry
"What the hell guys, I don't even know what you guys are talking about" jawab Nares bingung
"Well we're going to a pub nearby" jawab Liam
"Uh huh?" Lanjut Nares
"Yeah and it'd be better if you're coming, I don't push you of course, I'm just wondering if you could
yeah come around with us" bujuk Harry lagi
"Well, I don't mind at all, name the place" jawab Nares
"YEEEEEEEY!!!!!" Teriak Harry dan Liam girang
"Are you sure?" tanya Zayn berbisik di sela-sela teriak kegembiraan teman-temannya
"A hundred percent positive"
"I mean it's a pub, and I guess I'm supposed to take care of you and we're going to a pub? Like, really..."
"Zayn, I know it's not my lifestyle there, but honestly I'm not a geek who never get into night club of
course" terang Nares
"Oh great, so you came to a pub there every saturday night, eh?" tanya Zayn pedas, mungkin ia salah
menangkap maksud omongan Nares, sehingga terkesan bahwa Nares sering datang ke klub malam
"I came there a few times, that doesn't make me a bitch who came there every weeks, and if that's what
you think about me, well thank you that sucks!" jawabnya agak kasar sambil mengambil clutch nya dan
membawanya ke toilet yang terletak di belakang panggung, "excuse me, I'm going to retouch my
makeup see you in a second"
"Right, we'll be waiting for you, then"

"Oh God, why everyone have to suck so bad? They judge me like they knew everything about me!"

erangnya sambil menempelkan blotter di beberapa titik yang terlihat agak berminyak, "screw you
everyone!" lanjutnya mengutuki sambil membuang blotter nya dan menyapukan bedak Mac nya


On the way to Funky Buddha

'Okay, so I'm here, in Zayn's car.. Knowing nothing but just coming with the boys anyway. They said that
we're going to one of a pub nearby, so I just join them. Anyway, after a little argue in the restaurant, we
haven't talked, not even a word. And this silence treatment is killing me. I was about to come to Harry's,
when I realized that the others would know what just happened then. So I just came here, get stuck in
the middle of something I called misery.' gerutu Nares dalam hatinya, dengan tatapan mata sedingin es,
tanpa senyum sedikitpun tadi ia segera duduk dan masuk ke mobil Zayn. Zayn memang masih
membukakan pintu untuknya, walau tanpa sepatah kata ataupun senyum yg berbalas. 'I mean, do I need
to get a lil' word with him? He judged me, and that hurts. So this is supposed to killing both of us, isn't it?
Oh yeah, I shouldn't start the convo, I mean, never. Really, Zayn, enjoy it.'

"Nares.." panggil Zayn lembut disela-sela kegiatan mengemudinya malam itu
"Hmm" jawabnya acuh tak acuh
"Come on.. I'm sorry for what I said, okay? I know it's my fault, I just tried to protect you"
"Hmm" lanjutnya tetap acuh tak acuh
"Oh shit, Nares... Look I'm sorry, okay?" tanya Zayn sedikit mencuri pandang ke Nares, "can you please
at least look at me?"
"Now. What?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, really. Do I look like a guy who likes to hurt his lil' girl?"
"Well, faces sometimes lie, right?"
"Nares, please....."
"It's okay anyway, you just suck for giving a judgment to me"
"I know... I'm sorry"
"Yeah, it's fine"
"Thank you" ucapnya sambil mencubit pipi Nares
"I was gonna forgive you before you pinched on my cheek"
"Well you know, I like your face when you're a bit in anger and you make your face like this" ucapnya
sambil menirukan muka ngambek Nares, "that's when your face looks the best"
"Wow, guess I have to stay in anger in order to impress you, am I right?"
"Nah no, no, no.. I'm dying if you're really doing so"
"You said it---"
"Uh no, I was just fucking joking yeah" potongnya
"Ahahahaha, I'm kidding anyway, how could I possibly stay in anger towards you?"
"Yeah I'm too sexy to be angry with, right?"

"Oh, shut up"


Funky Buddha

"So we're here, come on" ucap Zayn sambil membukakan pintu untuk Nares. Ia lalu menggandeng
tangan kanan Nares, tidak, bukan menggandengnya seperti pasangan bangsawan Inggris. Kali ini ia
benar-benar menggandeng tangan kanan Nares, malah hampir menariknya
"A bit slower will you?"
"Uh sorry. Come here" ia lalu menarik badan Nares sehingga posisi Nares kini berada di depannya.
Dengan tangan kanannya tetap menggandeng Nares dan tangan kirinya melindungi bahu kiri
Nares, "keep going and do not stare at anything"

'OH MY GOD. It's the only three words I can say when I get into this bar. No, it's not a bar or even a pub,
this is a night club. I mean this is so huge. And all these laser light that keep on shooting everywhere and
the beat of the music that keeps everyone make a move. And I can say this is so WILD, this is what they
call a night life. Now I see why Zayn was so furious when I told him I came to this kind of place a few
times, I mean this is outta my thought' batin Nares ketika ia duduk di kursi tinggi bar di depan para
bartender yang sibuk menyiapkan minuman dengan tontonan juggling mereka
"Here it is, funky buddha, an A-list of London's finest night club" terang Zayn
"I came to London twice before, but never been to a place like this"
"Of course you are, you know your mom is about to kill you when she heard about this"
"Zayn, please don't... I mean I won't do anything reckless, right?" Ucap Nares panik dengan mata
membulat kaget
"Well then, you owe me your life then"
"Ahhh thanks Zayn!!"
"Yeah, but promise me you'll never come to this kind of place, without my permissions, you got me?"
"Anything to drink?"
"Pina colada?"
"Nice one, James, a glass of pina colada and havana cooler please"
"Coming away, Zayn"
"Zayn? They call you your name? Do you come here much?"
"Not really, but I've been here a few times before, besides we're the A-list guest here"
"Uh sure, you guys are"
"There you are!" tunjuk Harry melihat Nares dan Zayn
"What?" tanya Zayn
"We got a table there, man, come on"

"And the drinks?" tanya Nares
"You got yourself a drink?" tanya Harry dengan nada yang agak tinggi
"Uh forget it Har, James, 52... Come on"
"Zayn, why was Harry about to explode when I say our drinks?" Bisik Nares sambil berjalan
"He thought we're having some champagne or so"
"Are you, come on, stupid him"
"Yeah he is"



'It's a quarter to 2 and we haven't left the club. Oh God, I'm so tired and sleepy as hell, I danced a lot
tonight! Wohooo I mean that was a lot of fun, we danced and danced till we drop. Oh yeah. But now it's
a quarter to two and I don't think I can stand it anymore. Gee, Zayn let's get home' batin Nares sambil
terduduk di bangku berbentuk setengah lingkaran yang memanjang mengelilingi sebuah meja di
tengahnya. Disampingnya ada Lou dan El dan Liam dan Dan
"Hey, barbie girl" ucap sebuah suara sesaat sebelum ada tangan hangat yang mengusap lembut kepalanya yang diiringi dengan kecupan lembut di puncak kepalanya
"Hey, have a lot of fun?" tanya Nares lembut dengan kepala menengadah ke wajah Zayn, dasi kupu-
kupunya sudah terkulai lemas tersampir di lehernya, and I could say he's pretty like a mess. But damn it
he's still sexy and hot as hell anyways.
"Well a lot ahaha enough for tonight?" tanya Zayn sambil mendudukan pantatnya di sebelah kanan
"Fed up actually ahaha"
"Well, let's get back then. Guys, are we done for tonight?" Tanya Zayn
"I'm afraid so, let's get back" jawab Liam
"Where are that two little guy?" tanya Louis
"Nah here they are" jawab Liam melihat Niall dan Harry datang dari keramaian
"Have had enough?" tanya Zayn pada dua temannya
"Yeah umm come on"
"Well see you guys tomorrow"
"See ya" setelah bergoodbye ria dengan Dan dan El, Nares pun pergi meninggalkan meja tersebut
dan beranjak mengikuti Zayn. Setelah selesai membayar bill mereka malam itu, mereka pun pergi
meninggalkan funky buddha.

Seperti biasa, Zayn membukakan pintu untuk Nares dan dengan segera mengemudikan mobilnya ke flat
nya. Nares menekan tombol play di radio di mobil Zayn, dan segera terdengar suara lembut James Blunt
melantunkan 'One of the Brightest Star',

"And it all comes round, once in a lifetime like it always does, nobody loves you 'cause you've taken a
chance out on the dance to the moon too soon. They'll say told you so, we were the one who saw you
first of all, we always knew that you were one of the brightest star" suara Zayn terdengar melantun
lembut mengikuti alunan suara dari pengeras suara di kiri dan kanan tempat duduk. Suaranya terdengar
lembut, meski tetap dengan aksen British dan suara seksinya yang menggelitik, membuat Nares,
perlahan namun pasti, tertidur dalam kedamaian.


*Zayn's POV*

I kept driving to my flat, a bit sleepy actually, but I don't know why the fact that she's here beside me is
pretty relieving that she's safe with me. And now she's fallen asleep, with the sound of her breath, and
her closed eyes, how pretty. It's the traffic light here, so I take off my tuxedo and just wear it to her, I'm
afraid she'll get cold.

And here we are, my flat. I don't feel like waking her up. Am I better to wake her up or just carry her
inside? Well then, I'm just gonna carry her.


Zayn akhirnya menggendong Nares dan merebahkannya di atas tempat tidurnya di kamarnya. "Hey
my barbie girl, my morning sunshine, my brightest shining star, my appetite, have a real sweet dreams
tonight. I know I've said a million times, but my lullaby, they keep singing only for you. Good night, my
little queen, I love you" dan seperti kebiasannya yang telah lalu, ia mengecup kening Nares perlahan,
dengan seluruh kasih sayangnya untuk Nares kecupan itu membekas di relungnya, "goodnight"




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