Really Long Zayn #imagine: Best Sport In The World

#imagine it was the first day of school. You just moved and you didn't know anyone yet. You were extremely shy and like to keep to yourself. It was almost lunch and you had no clue where to sit. You saw a group of girls, but as soon as you sat down, they all left. An announcement came on the PA system and you didn't pay too much attention because you were still wondering why all of those girls left when you sat down.

Everyone started to get loud. You looked to the left and saw a group of boys huddled around one good looking dark -haired boy. When you finally saw his face, your jaw dropped at his beauty. He was the greatest looking guy you've seen all day, but you didn't want to talk to him for two reasons. First, you were too shy. And second, he looked like one of the most popular boys in the school. The group split up more and you saw he was wearing a varsity jacket. it was royal blue with yellow sleeves, you school's colors.

A few minutes later, you and the boy made eye contact. He winked and you were so embarrassed. He caught you staring with your mouth open. You just looked down at your food. You refused to look up again. But suddenly, a dark shadow covered you. You just kinda thought that someone was walking by, but the shadow didn't leave. You looked shyly at looked up a little and saw the dark haired boy.

Boy: "hey, is this spot taken?"
You: "no, be my guest."
Boy: "thanks. I'm Zayn. What's your name beautiful?" he said as he bit his lip.

'Did he really just call me beautiful?!! And he just bit his lip! ugghh! Why do I have to be so shy?' you thought.

You: umm.... (Y/N)
Zayn: don't be shy; I don't bite, hun.

You guys sat and chatted for a while before the bell rang. You ask him what the announcement said and he replied telling you about football tryouts. He explained that girls were allowed to try out for the boys’ team because there was no girls’ team. You were so happy because your favorite sport was football.

*After School*

You had just met a really nice girl in your last period that was becoming you’re really close friend. She loved football too so you both decided to try out together. You talked all though class about try outs.... and about Zayn. You laughed at each other because neither of you could throw a spiral. You were still talking about Zayn in the dressing room. She said she kinda likes his best friend. You both jumped a little when the boys banged on the door telling you to come out so they could get started.
You were put on a different team than your friend just to even the teams out for a scrimmage. She knew you were really shy so she tried to stay with you but she couldn't. You got really nervous and shy so you started to stay away from the other boys. Out of nowhere, someone put their arms around your shoulder pulling you into the huddle. You jumped a little before you noticed it was Zayn. You were really scared and were praying that you wouldn't get the ball but Zayn saw you run in gym and told your team to give you the ball at every chance they got because you were so fast. You started to blush really hard and one of the other boys pointed it out to Zayn.
At the end of the tryout, you were congratulated by everyone on your team because you scored 21 points. You started to walk back to the change room when your coach decided to do a spiral drill. Your friend started laughing at you because she knew you couldn't. So every time the ball came to you, you just handed it off to someone. Zayn saw you frightened expression and knew you were shy. He handed you a ball but you just handed it right back to him explaining your spiral issues. He giggled handing you back the ball.
You looked timidly at the ball before you felt a hand on your waist and a body pressed against your back. You got chills when you realized it was Zayn. His body was warm and he smelt like a man. He raised your arm above your head, and yanked it forward, as you lost your grip on the ball. You watched the ball fly through the air and hit the ground, right in the touchdown zone. Giant hands grabbed your waist tight on both sides spinning you around to face Zayn. He was much taller than you so you face was at his collarbones. He got really close to you and whispered something in your ear.
Zayn: great throw boo. I don’t get why you’re so shy (Y/N). You are really good.
You: thank y---
You didn't get to finish your sentence because you were completely interrupted with a powerful kiss. You lost count of how long it was. You both pulled away at the same time because you heard some loud whistling and saw camera flashes. Your whole team stopped what they were doing and was watching you the whole time. You looked at Zayn and blushed really hard. He lifted your chin with his finger and looked you in the eyes
Zayn: don’t hide sweetie, you’re really cute when you blush.
For the rest of the year, including the football season, you guys were the cutest couple in your school. You were voted “High School Sweethearts” in your year book.

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