
Cammy H · @cammywrites

11th Dec 2012 from Twitlonger

@woolyefc @pod2g as well as many other devs have been very realistic about the challenges--unfortunately consumers have not, and now they think they are being let down! Things to keep in mind though are this:
1) it's only been two months! one of the earlier jailbreaks took around 8 months I believe
2.) yeah, its challenging! and the devs are going to be a lot quieter about their work as it is much trickier now so updates will be few and far between if at all
3.) These guys started doing this for the fun and the challenge, not for fame and customer base. The amazing by-product, however, has been something folks really want. I don't think they will ever top trying because the challenge is still there.
4.) l do believe the jailbreak will come, but it's very possible it will be longer than people want it to be
5.) if there comes a point where it is not possible--at least within a reasonable time for consumers--one of those working on it I feel confident will inform the public.
6.) Stay positive! :)

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