
FionDazi · @FionDazi

1st Mar 2013 from Twitlonger

When Rasulullah(peace be upon him) arrived in Madina, he built Masjid un-Nabwi to offer Salah/Namaz regularly. People announced in a loud voice, "As-Salat ul-Jami'ah, the Jamaat for Namaz is ready." Those who heard this call came to join & those who didnt could not. Rasulullah (pbuh) asked his Sahaba/companions for their advice to find a way to inform people to come to Salah.

Some suggested like the Jews, should blow a horn, Others said ring bells as the Christians do in their churches to make an announcement. A few proposed like the fire-worshippers, kindle a fire to call people to pray. Rasulullah (pbuh) was not satisfied with any of these ideas. He waited to hear a better idea or to receive guidance from Allah.

One day, a Sahabi, 'Abdullah ibn Zaid (radiallahu anhu), came to Rasulallah (pbuh) &said;, "O Messenger of Allah! I had a beautiful dream last night."

"What was the dream you saw?" Rasulullah (pbuh) asked.

Zaid (ra) answered, "I have seen that a man wearing green garments taught me the words of the 'Adhan & advised me to call people to prayer with these words." He then recited the words for the 'Adhan.

The words were beautiful & full of meaning. Rasulullah (pbuh) recognized that the dream of Zaid (ra) was true. He asked him to teach the words of Adhan to BILAL ibn Rabah (ra).

Bilal (ra), a companion of Rasulullah (pbuh) was a freed Abyssinian slave; he had a loud & beautiful voice. On account of having rich melodious voice & excellent utterance of Quran he was appointed the first Muazzin {Official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day}

BILAL (ra) stood up & called the Adhan. The voice of Bilal (ra) resounded throughout Madina. People came running to Masjid un-Nabi. Umar(ra) was one of the persons who came & said, "O Messanger of Allah an angel taught me the same words in my dream last night."

Rasulullah (pbuh) accepted this Adhan as the official call to the Salah. Bilal (ra) became the first Muazzin of Islam.

#Adhan #Azaan #JumaMubarak

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