@OccupyLovefilm - #Meditation-tips #Empath-tips #HSP | Part 4 Jack Kornfield's A Path With #Heart Revisited #mindfulness #awareness

The problems of our world are many, but with mindful awareness of the heart, and practice, they can be met, and transformed, by the courage of our heart. Such strength of heart, comes from knowing that the pain that we each must bare, is a part of the greater pain, shared by all that lives, it is not just our pain, but the pain. Realizing this awakens our universal compassion. In this way, our suffering opens our hearts. Mother Teresa calls it, "meeting Christ in his most distressing disguise." In the worst of difficulties, she see's the play of the divine, and in serving the dying poor, she discovers the mercy of Jesus. An old Tibetan Llama, who was thrown into a Chinese prison for 18 years, said that he viewed his prison guards and torturers as his greatest teachers. There he says, he learned the compassion of a Buddha.

It is this spirit that allows the Dali Llama to refer to the communist Chinese who have occupied and destroyed his country as, "My friends, the enemy".

What freedom this attitude shows, it is the power of the heart to encounter any difficult circumstance, and turn it into golden opportunity. This is the fruit of true practice. Such freedom and love is the fulfillment of spiritual life, it's true goal.

The buddha said, just as the ocean have but one taste, the taste of salt, so too there is but one taste that is fundamental to all true teachings of the way and this is the taste of freedom. This freedom is born out of our capacity to work with any energy or difficulty that arises.

When we encounter our daily difficulties we must ask ourselves, do we see them as a curse, as the unfortunate workings us fate, do we damn them, do we run away, do fear and doubt overcome us? How can we start working with the reactions we find in ourselves?

Often we see only choices to dealing with our problems. One is to suppress them and deny them, to try to fill our lives with only light, beauty, ideal feelings. In the long run, we find that this does not work, for what we suppress with one hand or one part of our body, cries out for another. If we suppress thoughts in the mind, we get ulcers. And if we clench problems in our body, our mind later becomes agitated or rigid, filled with unfaced fear.

Our second strategy is the opposite, to let all of our reactions out, freely venting our feelings about each situation. This too becomes a problem, for if we act out of every feeling that arises, all our dislikes, opinions, and agitations our habitual reactions grow until they become tiresome, painful, confusing, contradictory, difficult, and finally overwhelming.

What is left? The third alternative, is the power of our wakeful and attentive heart. We can face these forces, these difficulties, and include them in our meditation, to further our spiritual life!

The human heart has the extraordinary capacity to hold and transform the sorrows of life into a great stream of compassion. Whenever you own heart is open, and uncovered, the awakening of this stream of compassion begins within. Compassion arises when you allow your heart to be touched by the pain and need of another. To cultivate this quality, you may wish to practice the traditional meditation for the practice of compassion and for the transformation of sorrows in the fire of the heart.

Practice - Note: please excuse the comas, I typed this out as he paused, try to flow with it :)

Let yourself sit still, in a centered and quiet way, breathe softly, and feel your body, your heartbeat, the life force within you. Feel how you treasure your own life, how you guard yourself in the face of your sorrows.

After some time, bring to mind someone close to you, whom you dearly love. Picture them, as you're caring for them. Notice how you can hold them in your heart.

Then, let yourself be aware of their sorrows. Feel how your heart opens naturally, moving toward them, to wish them well, to extend comfort, to share in their pain, and meet it, with compassion. This is the natural response of the heart.

Along with this response, begin to actively wish them well, reciting the traditional phrases, "May you be free from sorrow, may you be at peace" while holding them in your heart of compassion. Continue reciting these phrases as you picture them in this way for some time. As you learn to feel your deep caring for this person close to you, you can then extend this compassion to others you know, one at a time.

Gradually you can open your compassion further, to your neighbors, to all those who live far away, and finally, to the brotherhood and sisterhood, of all beings. Let yourself feel how their beauty makes you weep, feel your tenderhearted connection with all life and its creatures, how it moves with their sorrows, and holds them in compassion.

Now, let yourself become a transformer for the sorrows of the world. Feel your breathe in the area of your heart as you could breathe gently in and out of your heart. Feel the kindness of your heart, and envision that with each breath you can breathe in pain and breathe out compassion.

As you breathe, begin to envision your heart as a purifying fire, that can receive the sorrows of the world, and transform them, with the light and warmth of compassion.

This is a powerful meditation, and will require some practice. Be gentle with yourself.

Let the fire of your heart burn gently in your chest, breathe in the sorrows of those that are hungry, breathe in the sorrows of ignorance, with each out breath, picture living beings everywhere, and breathe out the healing balm of compassion. Like the mother of the world, bring the world into your heart, inviting all beings to touch you with each breath in, embracing all beings in compassion with each breath out.

After some time, sit quietly, and let your breath and heart relax naturally, as a center of compassion, in the midst of the world.


Come Tenderness <3


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