
Francesca · @FrankieCee01

21st Apr 2013 from TwitLonger

Ok, so, @Bullyville sold out 4 what they thought would b 15 minutes of fame but @YourAnonNews I thought u were my man/woman on the street. U side w/ K Gosselin who wrote about beating her kids. She admitted she was scared of what she was doing!
Those R HER journals! She threw a 2 yr old, by the hair, into a crib. A 2 year old baby....would you like a picture of him?
@Bullyville will look like a fool once Kate has to admit those are, indeed, her journals, for said lawsuit, you friggin idiots! And, yes, she will throw @Bullyville under said 8 passenger bus.
Do you really think a woman that mean just stops being mean? (ok, sure marine guy, take it up the ass on this one)
But, do you support a a self admitted child abuser?
I support OUR Marines, OUR Army, OUR Air force, OUR Military, OUR Vets etc....take care of home first and all, ya know?
So many #Anonymous @YourAnonNews Ops you guys/girls did were/are so worth the support but no..not gonna stand by you on this shit and if you are for this, then I am out.
Sure, I am only one person but, hey, there may be more than one of will show in the backing.
Just like Kate, you need numbers. She has 6-10 real fans. You have thousands. How many of those are anti kid abuse?
She wrote it down, again, I don't care how it was brought out! She wrote the words.."I grabbed Collin by the hair" etc....Collin was 2 years old man! 2 Yrs old!
What the (bleep) happened here? You were the good guys/girls.
If you have to attack me, go right ahead....some of us have had it by what we thought were the best so you and your ignorance can't touch us now!
I support Robert Hoffman @Gosselinbook I don't care how he found Kate Gosselin 's online journals, I just care that he put it out there!

Fuck you!

#Hackers ARE our friends, huh?

Can't wait to see you all pick up the pieces when you go under, Kate will run you down once she see's this isn't going to get her a big paying free for all show. I mean really, who wouldn't like to bitch and moan and get paid for being a star! She is a true Hollywood legend!
@TLC @radar_online @NaughtyNiceRob @andersoncooper @TLC @radar_online @andersoncooper @BravoAndy What is wrong with you media types, you TV people, Kate must be filmed!
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin for the next oscar! She will run a race for those that didn't make it to the finish line in Boston! (bites finger) She really cares...about her fame! @Bullyville be damned! If they cant help her, and they can't, then she will toss them aside, lay blame on them and keep moving!
She, KATE GOSSELIN, is a true professional famewhore!
Will sell her kids to the highest bidder! And has, but, needs more!
Thank you (bows) and good night!
I am so done with this shit!
(thumbs up Kate)
Good luck with this!
(snarls at KG, BV and our so called "hero's")
Thanks for nothin, man!

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