#UniteBlue Trolls, trolls and more trolls...

First we asked questions about #UniteBlue because we had concerns since their only history or references are from Republican candidates.

Our questions were answered with rhetoric, silence and the scrubbing of their webpages. We used their own webpages showing they represented people like Buddy Roemer and built a widget for Dick Morris.

Sorry folks but you can scream Buddy Roemer was an Independent at the time...look up his stance on "ALL issues" and not just things like #OWS, etc.

In addition to asking questions I outed @Political_Bill aka William Glenn Talley of Nashville TN for being convicted of "sexually exploiting children", (lots of child porn), having an illegal pistol and drugs (lots of drugs).

He was originally arrested in 2005 and has tried to appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court which was denied in 2010.

In February 2013 Bill plead GUILTY. Now I don't know about you but I would NEVER plead guilty to any crime such as "sexually exploiting children" if I was not guilty.

Such crimes cause you to:
1) serve time in prison
2) register as a sex offender for the rest of your life
3) make you INELIGIBLE to vote.

Regardless, my family has been blogged about by: @ziletrezo aka @ibUB2 aka @papiterra aka Steve Haglestad along with @Cihuamexica aka Auror Grajeda and @EdieVP aka @Edie_VP and @Sayethsimon aka Simon Cowart and I have been harassed via my @ mentions & subtweets daily since March 10, 2013 by the above plus @tarrowdarrow, @Ronpitts, @SDzzz aka Janeal Eller and her in real life sister @ak2sandiego aka Linnette Eller Booth and many others.

So when they say we're trolling them and dox'ing them they are lying. They are in my @ mentions everyday when I log onto Twitter.

Ask any other person of Anonymous and they will tell you none of these people have been "doxed" in the way that term is used among Anonymous.

They blogged about my family posting information on my husband and his brother including their employers and the addresses to where they work. They also posted information on people with the same last name who are in NO way related to our family.

They copied and pasted Tea Party logos by our pictures so they could call us Tea Baggers and accuse us of being Right Wing Nut Jobs. We are not Republicans we are registered Independents and always have been. We are very Liberal Independents and I have always been honest about that. Just because they posted some fake pictures does NOT make it true.

They want you to believe that I want to divide and conquer #UniteBlue no we asked for transparency and did not receive it. I outed a convicted man on their Advisory Board proving that:
1) they did not vett their own board members
2) they did and did not care.

If you can read my @ mentions column then you will see that they troll me everyday and they cannot make up their minds if they troll me because:
1) I outed Bill
2) They accuse me of trying to divide Liberals
3) They accuse me of being a RWNJ

Zach Green of #UniteBlue announced on March 9, 2013 that Bill Talley was no longer on their Advisory Board.

On March 10, 2013 I was attacked/trolled by members of #UniteBlue led by @sayethsimon (another Advisory Board member) and @EdieVP then @Cihuamexica sent me the blog about my family and has trolled me ever since.

You can believe what you want but isn't it odd that ONLY #UniteBlue members troll me and attack me and my family daily since I outed @Political_Bill's crimes?

NO other Liberal (NON #UniteBlue) members and NO RWNJ's have trolled me or accused me of such things.

Ponder that!!! I troll no-one and I have never doxed anyone. I did NOT even dox @Political_Bill or his family. The only thing I posted about Bill was publicly available court documents and news articles of his original arrest.

I could have posted information about his family members but they did not commit the crimes therefore; that would have been unfair to his family members who were not involved. I am simply not that type of person to do that to an innocent person just because they're related to someone convicted of a crime.

I ask that the rest of you stop harassing me and my family and then cry wolf that you're being harassed. If you see these people harassing me and my other friends (@dkchoco @shoq @karoli @expatina @catsrimportant @MichaelGalvin01 @TheXClass @OsborneInk)and many others then please ask them to stop harassing us.

Make NO mistake I can and do defend myself and I will continue to do so.

We ALL enjoy 1st Amendment rights as any of the rest of you. We can ask questions of #UniteBlue just like we can ask questions of #TGDN or any other group. As Liberals who claim to be "independent or free thinkers" you should be encouraging us to ask questions and joining us in asking questions.

Whenever #TGDN members do something the #UniteBlue members will call them out. It's time for you to call out your OWN members when they are acting inappropriately.

It's NOT Liberal to accuse other Liberals of being RWNJ's.

Even if I was a RWNJ it does NOT give you the right to harass me or my family or my friends on Twitter.

IT'S NOT "LIBERAL" BEHAVIOR TO TROLL AND HARASS. If you think it is then please look up the term liberal.

P.S. For the record: @Shoq is not my handler and Anonymous does not take any type of orders from me.

Anonymous is NOT unanimous!

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