
Katharina · @GlamLawyer

23rd May 2013 from TwitLonger

For fans of @adamlambert: I thought I put all the information about LifeBall I have as far together. Yes I am obviosuly VERY excited about that all :)

First of all: here is the information about the opening ceremony on 25th of May. there is also an app for mobile phones

There will be a livestream and the Austrian TV ORF1 will start their broadcast at 20:15 CET. The RC will start at 21:00 CET and the part where Adam will sing his song will be at 21:30 CET.

Here is the timeplan posted http://www.ö

Here is also posted that Adam is supposed to fly to Vienna with a special LifeBall plane. He will arrive then at 10 am CET on Friday. There might be a RC for when the guests will get out, but I haven't seen any information about it exactly. I just assume and hope ;)

There will be also a press conference on Saturday at 11:00 am CET with international stars, so I assume and hope again Adam will be there. I haven't found yet a stream or a lifeticker to that conference. There was one back when they announced that Adam will sing the song though.

Here is a video that shows the special plane on its way to NY and here is a video of the RC after arrival of the plane back in 2008.

The stream can be found here: this was tweeted from LifeBall itself. The stream will work without a password.

For those who don't want to miss anything here is the WC for the broadcast start
those who want to see Adam, just turn in later

So now just get excited and enjoy the video of Adam with snippets of the song for LifeBall "Love Wins Over Glamour" which was posted on YT by @jadelle1

We can also assume what Adam will be wearing when he performes as Ali Baba and have a pic of the might be boots but seriously: I can wait until I see it all :D

For those who want to see all the costumes go here: there is a video and also a pdf.

I hope I have all the important stuff together :D Now we just have to wait and get excieted!


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