
Crank · @AxCrank

3rd Jun 2013 from TwitLonger

I want to say something about my WCS S1 before I leave. It was the highest career for me at 'Major tournament'. So I wanted to play much better than I could. But It affected my mindset. I was too nervous and aLive played much better than my thought. During that time, The more play with aLive, Snute the more I couldn't handle my hands, my brain. I believe I got good experience which I can't buy even if I performed too bad. I learned many things from aLive, Snute and WCS. As long as my fans cheer for me, I'll still try to be better player. Genna, John, Olivia thanks for supporting us. MMA, Heart, STC thanks for practicing with me. Thank you guys for cheering for me and us.

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