Ibrox Stadium Roofs and the Arsenal Shares.

As mentioned before, capital expenditure works if neglected, costs can rise later on as well as an increased Health and Safety risk to all.

It appears that these works were never completed during the Craig Whyte era, therefore it's probably with great urgency that answers are sought from Rangers International Football Club and Glasgow City Council that these works, and others have been addressed.

I enclose the following.

1. Copland Road


2. Broomloan


The reference to Capital Expenditure is also contained within the 3 year business plan from 2010.

I enclose this below, however the eagle eyed amongst you might just pick up on the fact that the Arsenal Shares were identified for sale, long before Craig Whyte appeared on the scene.

3. http://www.scribd.com/doc/157401752/Rangers-Business-Plan-June-15-2010

Hopefully the maintenance work with regards to the roofs have been undertaken in the past year and no such work remains outstanding which could compromise the safety of others.

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