@Konami 160 characters is not enough space, but let me try. The handshake scene between Snake/Otacon in MGS2. It was emotional and badass. The opening and end of the tanker chapter (MGS2). It had you on the edge of your seat in anticipation (beginning), watching Ray escape and not knowing whether or not Snake was alive or did in fact drown. Meryl's wedding and the whole love story between her and Johnny in MGS4 was to me, the worst story ever in MGS history. Love story, okay, but the wedding was too much! I love the scene in Peace Walker where Big Boss is about to be executed and Amanda and her group comes to rescue him. It was emotional. Also the part of the The return to Shadow Moses in MGS4 (still leaves one craving for a remake). Ocelot's speech on the Volta river in MGS4 was memorable too, especially cinematic wise.

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