Why raise my #vibration? :) #HSP #Empath #Indigo Tips! :) @IndigoInsights @WorldofCrystals @PeaceintheSwirl #Reiki #Qigong #ATL

Raising your vibration is a fun and empowering way to experience more joy, bliss, health, inner peace, and first-hand experience of the many mysteries! It also helps you connect with the messages from your Spirit guides! :)

Spirits come to Earth, often over many incarnations, to learn, grow, and experience/master polarities as well as a wide range of vibration, emotion, and various lessons as we all eventually make our way back into spiritual wholeness, love, evolution(individually and/or collectively), and soul mastery.

The human body & energy body "resonates" at different frequencies, and the human energy field(aura) is constantly morphing and changing based on various different physical, energetic, and emotional states.

Your experience of the emotions joy, love, harmony, gratitude, and reverence not only benefit you, it benefits all of those around you including the entire world! :) - as we are all connected through a vast network of energy and emotion which can be experienced through meditation, meditative awareness, and other specific techniques - or simply by observing peoples' reactions while you embody specific light vibrations and pleasant emotions towards them.

If you've ever been to a qigong convention or experienced one of those magic nights out at the club where everyone is "up" and tuned into rhythm and love you may have noticed it's truly magical, as group energy fields are a powerful way to "thin the veils", and we can all tune into resonance of higher vribrations with each other through rhythm, dance, song, qigong, prayer, and other uplifting and harmonious experiences :)

As you make changes, release blockages, and/or negative emotions, and open and expand your energy body towards consistently raising your vibration into the higher octaves of love, harmony, peace, reverence, gratitude, and bliss, all of life benefits and just by being near people you will lift them up and not only you, but everyone around you will feel greater peace and happiness! :)

Are you an Empath or Indigo? As an empath, you may be prone to absorbing or picking up other peoples' energies, emotional pain, traumas, etc, and sometimes people will drain you. It's important to learn tools to cope with increased empathy as well as give yourself a break from time to time to recharge. Channeling, grounding, self care, protecting your energy field, meditation, reiki, qigong, and other specific techniques can help you to not experience so much burn out and pain as an empath.

Learn more here and my links if you need help with increased empathy or understanding empathy: http://whosestuffisthis.blogspot.com/2012/03/what-does-it-mean-to-be-empath.html

Want to learn more with a teacher or need help releasing blockages? Book a class and/or healing session with me in Atlanta! :) http://DustyMurray.net

"If every eight year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence in one generation" <3 ☮ :) -Dali Lama✌

Related Info:

Have you ever had your Aura, Chakra's photographed? Helpful for balancing, insight into gifts, opportunities! Related Info: http://tl.gd/l6bek3

#Empath-tips - #HSP - “(Question) How may I overcome vibrations that are not in attunement with my own? (cont) http://tl.gd/kpfpk7

Are you an Indigo Blue, or Purple Aura person? If you are, you may be naturally inclined to deep inner feelings, clairvoyance, clairsentience, esp, and other neat phenomenon! Everyone has spiritual gifts and is able to tune into the mysteries, however indigo's are often "naturally tuned" in to the unique perceptions of the higher chakras because of their abundance of throat, third eye, and crown chakra energy. However, because of their deep inner feelings, abundance of high chakra energy, and sensitivity to toxins, it's advised that you work consistently on your solar plexus, lower chakras, and staying deeply connected to the earth energies and wisdom of the body to maintain harmony and health. Finding people who help 'ground you' and enjoy earthy activities with you or your indigo can be helpful if you or they are spacey or overwhelmed by the higher chakras, as are meditation/grounding stones, exercise, and especially keeping the emotions open and flowing. You can read and explore more @ http://DustyMurray.net/Twitter & my Indigo Insights Channel: http://Twitter.com/IndigoInsights

Are you "Earthy", Red, Orange, or Yellow person? Earth energies are fun, sensual, and help us ground into the present and experience the many pleasures of earthly life! :) The lower chakras are also intuitive centers, especially the sacral(orange) chakra where the "sea of chi" is located & the solar plexus, both of which gift us with emotional intuition and "gut feelings". If you are earthy person you can find a lot of neat transcendent experiences and benefits in exploring the upper chakras! :) The upper chakras are great for helping to lift you up into high vibrations such as bliss, inner peace, wonder, lucidity, and increased extra sensory perception, spiritual attunement, and more! Simply by working with the colors indigo and purple and starting a consistent meditation practice is a great way to explore and ground much of the spiritual energy from the upper chakras! :)

Related Links:

Exploration of #Energy, the #Chakras, & Mystical Experience via #Meditation <3 http://pic.twitter.com/Fl5TjUkoO6 http://twitpic.com/c8xqx6 #Classes #ATL

Gratitude - One of the easiest ways to relax into your body, the present moment, your extra sensory perceptions, and the sense of wonder and transcendence they provide! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj2ofrX7jAk

Tibetan Meditation http://youtu.be/TtG6jHJW1nU #chakras #coherence #relaxing #intentlistening #feeling #thirdeye #vibrations #energy

Intro to the 7 Chakras- Human Body Energy Centers – Colors & Basic Properties http://twitpic.com/c8xqx6

Guide to the Chakras | Aura Colors/Attributes & Healing tips! Reiki, Qigong, Meditation (cont) http://tl.gd/l7q8h4

"Bring your presence & you create a field of connectivity (Field of limbic resonance)." - @jamesodea

The Human Energy Field in Relation to Science, Consciousness, and Health


Chakra System and Ancient Wisdom Traditions Worldwide


“The heart generates the strongest rhythmic electromagnetic field generated in the body. Measured with modern magnetic field meters, the heart’s electromagnetic field is approximately five thousand times greater in strength than the field produced by the brain.

University of #HeartMath - Brain, #Emotion, Energetic Interaction http://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/introduction.html

Sixth Sense(Science meets intuition, collective consciousness, and esp) – Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman


Learn about some of the Ascended Masters via @DoreenVirtue444 <3 http://fb.me/25V1aDI54

Ancient Knowledge Pt.3 Pyramids, Monuments & Megaliths, Ley Lines (Earth’s Energy Grid) http://youtu.be/7p_RD-S7INM

“Quantum theory indicates that there are no such things as separate parts in reality, but instead only (cont) http://tl.gd/js42p4

Addressing the role of the subconscious, emotions, and energy in relation to health. (cont) http://tl.gd/k16sqm

Are you or a loved one struggling with PTSD, Cancer, Depression, Stress? Let me help! :) I specialize in subconscious & emotional release therapies (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rjcjs7

Exploring Past-Life #Regression – Techniques & Practices http://www.spiritualregression.org/page.php?slug=lbl-session Related: http://tl.gd/j9suj8

#Psychotherapy & #Pastlife #Regression. Roads meet w incredible documentation & thousands of regressions http://tl.gd/j9suj8 @drbrianweiss

Connecting with Your Loved Ones on the Other Side | Anthony Quinata http://anthonyquinata.com/blog/prayer-and-connecting-with-your-loved-ones-on-the-other-side/

In addition to Meditation & Prayer, Nature is a great place to connect w/ a crossed over loved one! (cont) http://tl.gd/l56oqs

Reiki-tips – Empath-tips – Healers/Practitioners – Help your clients release negative energy, subconscious (cont) http://tl.gd/k169gk

The Pyramid Code: High Level Technology(video) -http://explorethemysteries.blogspot.com/2012/02/pyramid-code-high-level-technology.html #leylines #energy #ancientwisdom

‘Te amo Yoga! <3 #chakraexercises #bloodflow #chiflow #feelgood! http://twitpic.com/am0ysd

New to reiki, meditation and/or qigong energy therapies? Get a feel for what you can expect or schedule a class with me in Atlanta! http://DustyMurray.net/testimonials

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