"Our ally Saudi Arabia delivered chemical weapons to the Al-Nusra Front which were handled clumsily by these sorcerers' apprentices" -- Charasse Pierre, French Career diplomat

[Me: Sarcasm, but hardly appropriate.]

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Mexico City, September 2, 2013

President of the Republic,



Likewise, I'm sure other countries will follow France's intention to deliver weapons to the Syrian rebels, despite the risks that this entails.

Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that it would require recipients of French arms to sign an "end-user certificate."

So firmly we are confident that our weapons will not fall into the hands of Jihadist fighters Front Nusra Al-Al Qaeda, which are part of the rebel coalition

(still very heterogeneous but have the merit of wanting to unify good courage)

and will not return itself against Western countries that helped or rivals in the Coalition or civilian populations.

We are reassured. Al Qaeda should include strong messages that you send.

It is important to explain that our enemy is International Terrorism, even if occasionally you have to be pragmatic, as told by our Anglo-Saxon friends, and reach out to those who want our destruction.

These should not be insensitive to our friendly gestures.

Your services should be able to easily refute the information disseminated by the Associated Press that the delivered by our ally Saudi Arabia chemical weapons

(Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, head of Saudi intelligence services)

to the Front Nusra Al-Al Qaeda were handled clumsily by these sorcerers' apprentices.

Once that is cleared you will have a free hand to act on the basis of information provided by the United States and Israel have all your confidence.

However it would be useful to avoid a repetition of the scenario in 2003 when the United Nations Colin Powell exhibited manipulated photos and a bottle of snake oil as irrefutable evidence of the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq!

Elementary principle of precaution.

We trust you, it is the credibility of France is at stake.


Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration and respect.

Charasse Pierre, the French foreign taxpayer and voter

Career diplomat from 1972 to 2009, Pierre was Charasse ambassador, including Pakistan, Uruguay and Peru, and has represented France in many international fora. From Mexico where, retired, he resides, he just sent a scathing letter also ironic that Francois Hollande on the Syrian crisis.

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