4th Nov 2013 from TwitLonger

FROM PEREZ " Adam L Does NOT Deny Handing Miley Cyrus His Big Joint!

Did Adam L really play puff, puff, pass with Miley Cyrus at a Halloween party?
The upcoming Glee guest star isn't saying- but then again, he isn't saying NO either!
When asked point blank to confirm or deny that it was a joint he passed to Miley in a viral photo of their partying, Adam said:
"We had such a fun party. I'm so glad she came. Halloween was awesome."
Yeah, that's def NOT a denial. And if it wasn't true, why not just say so? We're guessing Glambert is towing the line between being a good friend and staying an honest person!
But as far as we're concerned, that lack of negative might as well be proof positive! "


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