
steff · @mitamhsl

18th Dec 2013 from TwitLonger

Sorry I'm a terrible writer and this will have many grammar errors, but I felt the need to get this out.

i know that you are very busy these days, and I hope you can take a few minutes of your time to read this.


I'm hopeful of you to read it and if in case you are now, there are few words that I'd like to say though this is the least way to virtually express my love to you, it's the only available. I wanna start by genuinely thanking you for everything. Thank you for existing, for always making me feel better and for putting a smile on my face everyday. And most of all, thank you for doing that one thing that no one do it the way you do, for making me happy.
Thank you.

im not someone who is suicidal, definatly not. and i feel really bad for all the fans that are like that, that will never get your attention. i don't cut, but i do get upset sometimes. everybody does. the thing about me is that i love you unconditionally. when im having a bad day, all i have to do is look at you and my day is better. i never knew someone could make me this happy until i found you.
And i'd really like to tell you how much of an impact you have made on my life, and many others. you make me feel so warm inside whenever you smile, laugh, talk. you mean so much to me and i'd like to let you know. your face brightens my day. you make me so happy. i wanna thank you for being there for me and for all of us, even though your not technically "there", i know you care about us. thanks for being who you are. thanks for being my sunshine. my moonlight. my everything.

I never really loved or saw you just as a band member. You were always a normal person living and enjoying his dream to me and that's how it's going to stay. A normal person whom i truly and deeply loved.

I will always love you and no matter what I promise to keep on supporting you and the boys. Best wishes and I hope you achieve what you always seek for.

I will never forget you,
Thank you :)


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