Promising Medical Advances

Insights into brain injury

A study by NIH researchers provided insight into the damage caused by mild traumatic brain injury and suggested approaches for reducing its harmful effects.

Stem cells coaxed to create working blood vessels

In an NIH–funded study, scientists were able to direct human stem cells to form networks of tiny blood vessels that can connect to the existing circulation in mice

Genomic analysis of endometrial tumors

The findings, by an NIH–funded research network, suggest that genomic classification of endometrial tumors could help guide treatment strategies.

Common genetic factors found in 5 mental disorders

Autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, major depression, and schizophrenia were traditionally thought of as distinct mental disorders. An international research consortium funded by NIH discovered that these disorders share certain genetic glitches.

Vaccine clears away monkey AIDS virus

Current therapies can control but not eliminate the virus. In an NIH–funded study, an experimental vaccine triggered a lasting immune attack in monkeys that eliminated all traces of SIV infection after a year or more.

Method quickly assesses antibiotics

NIH–funded scientists developed an innovative method to quickly identify antibiotics that can treat multidrug–resistant bacteria—and reveal how these bacteria–killing medications work.

Strategy may improve survival after shock

An NIH–funded study of rats found that blocking digestive enzymes in intestines increases survival, reduces organ damage, and improves recovery after shock. The approach may lead to new therapies to improve patient outcomes.

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