#DomenicoScilipoti #chemTrails #geoEngineering

Chemtrails . Scilipoti calls for the abolition of state secrecy
Articolotre – March 27, 2014
To ask is Senator Domenico Scilipoti that already in the last Parliament had tabled a question on the topic. So after the declassification of the hearings of the repentant Schiavone who have identified the trafficking of waste in the land of …


Chemtrails : Scilipoti ASKS THE ABOLITION OF …
AgenParl – Parliamentary Agency – March 27, 2014
(AGENPARL) – Rome, March 27 – Abolishing the state secret on chemtrails. To ask the Senator Domenico Scilipoti is that already in the last Parliament had tabled a question on the topic. So after the declassification of the hearings of regret …


Scilipoti hits back: “abolish the state secret on the trails …
Weather Web – March 27, 2014
Chemtrails The senator of Forza Italian Domenico Scilipoti , Sicilian Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto known for having “married” positions Berlusconi after he was elected to parliament with Italy of Values ​​Antonio Di Pietro, back to amaze and today. .. that have allowed us to identify the trafficking of waste in the land of fires and the request to declassify the documents relating to the death of Ilaria Alpi, now the senator of Forza Italy back to ask for the abolition of state secrets on chemtrails hoping to …


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