#clivenBundy #harryReid #domesticTerrorist

The only known shots fired in the grazing feud between Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management came from federal agents or contractors who euthanized at least two bulls, Bundy’s son-in-law said Thursday.

That’s not counting other cattle that died of exhaustion and had to be put down, Bundy’s son-in-law Josh Logue said.

“There’s more dead that are dead through shot or … dehydration from running in the desert,” Logue said.


HANNITY: Did you lose many cows? I understand that some of your cows died.

CLIVEN BUNDY: I don't know how many, but some did die. We got about 27 calves that are without mothers, and they're little baby calves and we've been -- as ranchers, we've been trying to nurse those calves along for three days now, hoping to get -- keep them alive and hoping we can pair them back up with their mother.


A BLM spokesman, Mitch Snow, said the letters offer Bundy a chance to keep his cattle if he pays the $1.1m in trespass fees, plus "reasonable expenses of the impoundment". Agency officials have said the contract for the roundup was $900,000.


- Why is the federal government sending men with guns to collect a debt, assuming one is owed?

- How much, if anything does Bundy actually owe? Liberals have been throwing around the figure of A MILLION DOLLARS for some time now, but then backed off to possibly only being a couple hundred thousand.

- Why is Harry Reid so heavily involved when something definitely looks “suspicious” about that?


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